by Bethany

Table Talk

Do you like to get together and talk theology?
If you get excited about the Gospel, you should join us!   

We get together once a month and discuss an essay from our Crossings library.  There will be a different discussion leader for each session for the sake of variety and emphases. 

These talks are free and we hope you will join us, but you MUST pre-register via email with Cathy Lessmann.  After registering, you will receive an invitation to join our Zoom-based Crossings Table Talk. 


Febraury 18, 2025 

(Tuesday at 1pm Central)

 Elert’s “The Christian Faith,” Part 2   – a continuation of November’s Table Talk with Rev. Robin Lütjohann.


We are thrilled to be able to connect, talk theology with you, and share in the hope of the Gospel.  As you are aware, these events are free to you.

With your generous donations, we are able to offset the costs of these events and will be able to offer more opportunities for discussion and learning in the future. Thank you for your involvement in Crossings and your support in our mission!


Signup. Spread the news. See you soon!

Table Talk Archive

January 14, 2025 

(Tuesday at 1pm Central)

“Who is Jesus Christ for Us Today?”:  Inspiration from the Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer led by Rev. Dr. David Krause (board, International Bonhoeffer Society)

Suggested readings: 
1. Who is Jesus Christ for us todayby David Krause
2. Movie Review: Bonhoeffer’ Bears Little Resemblance to Reality  in “Christianity Today”
3. Movie Review:The new ‘Bonhoeffer’ movie isn’t just bad. It’s dangerous.” –   in “Christian Century”.
4. “There’s no such thing as a Bonhoeffer moment” in “Christian Century”

December 17, 2024 

(Tuesday at 1pm Central)


Jesus’ Christmas gift for children and families  led by Rev. Steve Albertin and Ann Diefenthaler (Steve’s wife and a retired ELCA deacon who for 35 years did faith formation ministry with children and families).


Steve and Ann will talk about telling the Christmas story to bring Christ and his benefits to children and families.  

Suggested Reading: A Joyful Certainty Sermon

View the trailer here.

November 19, 2024 

(Tuesday at 1pm Central)

The Authority of Scripture:  Werner Elert’s Middle Way  led by Rev. Robin Lütjohann

We’ll be focusing on chapter 6 of Elert’s systematic theology, Der christliche Glaube. This chapter deals with the authority of scripture, threading the needle between a simplistic/magical belief in inerrancy and a casual liberal dismissal of the Bible’s authority. Elert shows where the emphasis lies for a confessionally Lutheran approach to the Bible’s authority in the church’s faith and life. 

View the trailer here.

October 22, 2024 

(Tuesday at 1pm Central)

The Lively Use of the Liturgy:  led by Rev. Amandus (Mandy) Derr

Readings: The Lively Use of the Liturgy and 
Article XXIV. Of the Mass.

View the trailer here.

September 17, 2024 

(Tuesday at 1pm Central)

Objective and Subjective Justification Revisited:  How best to understand these doctrines for preaching and pastoral ministry?  Will everyone be saved? led by Rev. Dr. Norman Metzler

Readings: Objective and Subjective Justification Revisited

Table Talk: July 23, 2024 

(Tuesday at 1pm Central)

The Other Focus:
Biblical Hermeneutic and Seminex-style Confessionalism
led by Rev. Ron Roschke
Readings: Thursday Theology posts: Part One and Part Two

View the trailer here

Table Talk: June 25, 2024

(Tuesday at 1pm Central)

Law & Gospel are both Grace: God’s Double Reign led by Rev. Dr. Patrick Keifert
Readings: e-copy of Seminex booklet (chapters 6 & 7).  Article 3 of Smalcald Article

View the trailer here

Table Talk: May 21, 2024 

(Tuesday at 1 PM Central)

Two Kingdoms and the Position of the Church led by Rev. Dr. Gary Simpson
How Luther helps today’s citizen: “Written on their hearts”: Thinking with Luther about Scripture, Natural Law, and the Moral Life.

View a trailer for May’s Table Talk here

Table Talk: April 30, 2024 

(Tuesday at 1 PM Central)

Jerry Burce will lead the Table Talk in April. The topic will be:“Seminex’s Legacy in 2024: An Assortment of Reflections”. There will also be a time for open discussion. Suggested readings before the talk:

Part 1 and Part 2 of
The Other Focus and Unfinished Business: A Project for Seminex-style Theology in 2024 and Beyond 
by Ron Roschke”Seminex Remembered” by Edward Schroeder, edited by Michael Hoy.  This is free 62-page booklet was recently published and is available upon request.  Request your copy here.

Table Talk: January 23, 2024 and February 20, 2024

(Tuesdays at 1 PM Central)

Seminex:  Its Impact and Significance

Join a panel of alumni and friends discuss the lasting impact Seminex made on their lives and the life of the Church. Suggested Reading:  “Seminex Remembered” by Edward Schroeder, edited by Michael Hoy.  This is free 62-page booklet was recently published and is available upon request.  Request your copy here.

For additional reading on Seminex, please note especially the following articles from our Crossings library:

Seminex Exile – Love It. Don’t Leave It
An excellent essay by Ed Schroeder on the meaning of exilic theology

The WORD for New Orleans
Bob Bertram’s brief 9-point word of warning and hope written in 1973, the year prior to Seminex

Missouri Synod/Seminex/Bethel Church in Crisis (Part 1)
Missouri Synod/Seminex/Bethel Church in Crisis (Part 2)
Art Beckman’s reflections on what all happened at Bethel Lutheran Church during the mid-1970s – how the LCMS/Seminex controversy impacted the congregation where many of the Seminex faculty worshipped

Table Talk: December 12, 2023 

(Tuesday at 1 PM Central)

For December, we are moving our schedule up to December 12 – to help you prepare for Christmas week.  We are calling it Christmas Sermon Potluck, to be led by Steve Albertin. We want to involve EVERY ONE of you, so ask you to please bring your own Christmas-sermon ideas to share.

To wit, what has worked for you in the past that you can share with the rest of us?  To get us started, we are posting a few sermons.

 “A Little Dirt for Christmas.” by Steve Albertin

 “Luke’s Operetta: Scene 5—2001 Version”  by Fred Niedner

Fighting the Good Fight with Jesus by our Side” by James Squire

It is what it is” by Paul Otterstein

Joy and the Christmas Burglar” by Jerome Burce

Lighten our Darkness” (Text Study for Luke 2:1-20) by Michael Hoy

Table Talk: November 28, 2023 

(Tuesday at 1 PM Central)
We are pleased to have Rev. Dr. Matthew Becker (Professor of Theology at Valparaiso University) lead us in a discussion related to The Rise of Atheism in North America – although, as Matt comments in the trailer below, many people don’t really know what they mean when they call themselves atheists! 

View a trailer for the November Table Talk

The reading for this discussion is a chapter from Matt’s new book, Fundamental Theology, 2nd ed. (Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2024). As Matt explained to Crossings, this second edition is quite different from the first, not least because it includes three new chapters, including the one on atheism.

However, we cannot post the chapter on our website because of publication restrictions. Nevertheless, if you plan to join the session, please write to Cathy, and she will email you a confidential copy. And thanks for being understanding.

September 26th and October 31, 2023
(Tuesday at 1 PM Central)

Rev. Robin Lütjohann is speaking on September 26th and October 31st on

What Elert can Teach the Church Today

View a trailer for the Sept/Oct Table Talk

 Robin has picked Ed’s article  “Think Gospel, Preach Christ!”  Lessons from Elert for Today’s Church to discuss.  It was posted over a 3-week period. You can read the entire article here:

Robin is pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge MA.  He also co- teaches Lutheran Confessions at nearby Harvard Divinity School and was a feature speaker at our past January conference.  Robin is bilingual, so he leads worship and teaches in both German and English.  We are excited to have him for 2 sessions!

July 25, 2023  (Tuesday at 1 PM Central)

Dr. Fred Niedner will be discussing his article, Proclaiming the Sweet Swap’s Gift of Metanoia;  How preaching can serve the church’s continual practice of shedding the false stories in and by which we live, and inhabiting Christ’s story instead. 

View a trailer for the July Table Talk

June 20, 2023  (Tuesday at 1 PM Central)

Rev. Matthew Metevelis will be discussing his article “Where the Kingdoms are Held Together”:  Free Institutions and the American Church’s Political VocationThis article was first published in Word and World, Vol 43 #2, Spring 2023.  Shared with permission.

You might also want to read Matthew’s Pentecost Text Study (on the Acts reading). Additionally read our recent Thursday Theology, an uncovered gem by Bob Bertram explaining our Crossings 6-steps, called “From Three to Four and Not Before.”

May 23, 2023  (Tuesday at 1 PM Central)

David Zahl, theologian and author, will be discussing his latest book, Low Anthropology. David is also the founder and director of Mockingbird Ministries, editor-in-chief of the popular Mockingbird website, and cohost of The Mockingcast.

You can find his book on Amazon or through Baker Publishing Group.  Our suggested readings for this month (if you can’t finish the book in time!) are:

  1. David’s announcement article about Low Anthropology
  2. Bruce Modahl’s Thursday Theology’s review of the book
  3. Chad Bird’s review of the book from

View a trailer for the May Table Talk

April 24, 2023  (Monday at 1 PM Central)

“A Law-Gospel Approach to Influencing Our Children’s Faith”
A Midsummer Reflection on Parenting, by Carol Braun
Discussion Leader: The Rev. Lori Cornell

A question to consider: How would you, as a parent, explain to your young child—in good law-gospel terms—why you are so careful about your child’s safety at the ocean?

March 28, 2023  (Tuesday at 1 PM Central)

“Proclaiming and Receiving Christ in Liturgical Worship”
Discussion Leader: The Rev Brian Stoffregen

February 28, 2023  (Tuesday at 1 PM CST)

“Telling Time, or Whose Millenium is it Anyway?”
by Robert Bertram
Discussion Leader: Steve Albertin

Telling Time, or Whose Millenium is it Anyway? -Part 2

February 28, 2023  (Tuesday at 1 PM CST)

“Telling Time, or Whose Millenium is it Anyway?”
by Robert Bertram
Discussion Leader: Steve Albertin

Telling Time, or Whose Millenium is it Anyway? -Part 1

December 13, 2022  (Tuesday at 1 PM CST)

 “How I Finally Got Advent”  
by The Rev Dr Jerome Burce

Discussion Leader: The Rev Dr Jerome Burce

November 15, 2022  (Tuesday at 1 PM CST)

 “In Praise of Thanks”  
by The Rev. Dr. Marcus Felde

Discussion Leader: The Rev. Dr. Marcus Felde

 September 27, 2022  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

Robert Bertram’s Dissertation: Chapter 11; The Human Subject as the Object of Theology: Luther by Way of Barth
by Robert Bertram

Discussion Leader: Matthew Becker

 July 19, 2022  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

“Death and ‘the Divided I’: Law, Gospel and the Reality of Death” 
The Theology of Helmut Thielicke by Edward Schroeder

Death and the “Divided I”: The Law and Gospel of Dying by Matt Metevelis

Discussion Leader: Matthew Metevelis

 June 21, 2022  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

Robert Bertram’s Dissertation: Chapter 10; The Human Subject as the Object of Theology: Luther by Way of Barth
by Robert Bertram

Discussion Leader: Matthew Becker

May 24, 2022  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

‘From “Tappert” to “TroBoc” Sola Fide’  by Robert Bertram

Discussion Leader: The Rev Dr Kurt Hendel

 December 14, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

Let’s Roll!” The Mission of Christ the Insurgent, A.D. 2010”  by Jerome Burce.

Discussion Leader:   Rev. Dr. Jerome Burce

Let’s Roll!” The Mission of Christ the Insurgent, A.D. 2010 – Part 2

 December 14, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

Let’s Roll!” The Mission of Christ the Insurgent, A.D. 2010”  by Jerome Burce.

Discussion Leader:   Rev. Dr. Jerome Burce

Let’s Roll!” The Mission of Christ the Insurgent, A.D. 2010 – Part 1

November 16, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

Confessing the Faith”  by Robert Bertram.

Discussion Leader:   Rev. Dr. Michael Hoy

 October 26, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

Freedom Under Law”  by Robert Bertram.

Discussion Leaders:   Rev. Dr. Steven Kuhl

September 28, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

Funeral Fails and Grace:  How I Learned to Stop Celebrating Life and Preach the Gospel”  by Rev. Matthew Metevelis.

The second reading is: “Memento Mori” (Thursday Theology June 28, 2007) by Edward Schroeder.  Ed includes a Memorial Funeral “The Last Passage” preached by Fred Niedner.

Discussion Leaders:  Rev. Matthew Metevelis and Rev. Dr. Fred Niedner

July 27, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

“Preaching the Prognosis: Keeping the Gospel in Good Works”  by Steve Hitchcock.

Discussion Leaders: Steve Hitchcock,  Rev. Candice Wassell and Rev. Dr. Bruce Modahl

June 22, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

“It can’t be all that bad: Why God’s Deadly Diagnosis of our Human Condition Matters”  by Steven E. Albertin.
Discussion Leader: Steve Albertin and Lori Cornell

Please also take a minute to read and/or listen to the sermon “Talk to My Lawyer”  by Steve Albertin.  It will be part of the discussion at this month’s Table Talk.

May 18, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

 “How our Sins were Christ’s”  by Robert Bertram.
Discussion Leader: Rev. Dr. Matthew Becker

April 20, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

“The Homiletical Bind: Preaching Law and Gospel in the Congregation” by Rev. Dr. Steven E. Albertin
Discussion Leader: Rev. Dr. Steven E. Albertin

We ask that you please read the attached sermon, “Having It All” before the session begins.  Steve hopes it will provide a concrete example of what can seem simply theoretical.

March 23, 2021  (Tuesday at 1 PM CDT)

Is There a Lutheran Hermeneutics?” by Edward H. Schroeder
Discussion Leader: Rev. Dr. Bruce Modahl

October 6, 2020, at 1 PM CST

The Lively Use of the Risen Lord” by Robert W. Bertram
Discussion Leader:  Steve Albertin


About Us

In the early 1970s two seminary professors listened to the plea of some lay Christians. “Can you help us live out our faith in the world of daily work?” they asked. “Can you help us connect Sunday worship with our lives the other six days of the week?”  That is how Crossings was born.


The Crossings Community, Inc. welcomes all people looking for a practice they can carry beyond the walls of their church service and into their daily lives. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, or gender in any policies or programs.

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