Book Group resumes on August 29 with a new book, Unapologetic, by Francis Spufford.
Here is the proposed schedule for the fall:
August 29 – Preface and Chapter 1: Apologetic (vii-23)
September 12 – Chapter 2: The Crack in Everything (24-53)
September 26 – Chapter 3: Big Daddy (54-85)
October 10 – Chapter 4: Hello, Cruel World (86-106)
October 24 – Chapter 5: Yeshua (107-146)
November 7 – Chapter 6: Et Cetera (147-164)
November 21 – Chapter 7: The International League of the Guilty, Part Two (165-202)
December 5 – Chapter 8: Consequences (203-220)
If interested in receiving information on future book club offerings, contact Chris Repp to register for the Zoom link.
The Book Club meets bi-weekly on Thursdays for 90 minutes at 12:30 p.m. Central Time on Zoom.
The Crossings Book Study differs from the monthly Crossings Table Talks in that the focus is on one book for an extended period of time rather than one short article per session.
Previous Books discussed:
The Augsburg Confession
Seminex Remembered by Edward H. Schroeder
Law & Gospel In Action: Foundations, Ethics, Church by Mark Mattes
Low Anthropology by David Zahl
Living By Faith: Justification and Sanctification by Oswald Bayer
Gift and Promise – The Augsburg Confession and The Heart of Christian Theology by Ed Schroeder and a variety of other authors from the Crossings Community
The Preached God by Gerhard O. Forde
Crossings is a community of welcoming, inquisitive people who want to explore how what we hear at church is useful and beneficial in our daily lives.
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