Bibliography of Robert W. Bertram

by Bethany

by Michael Hoy

Most of the works by Robert W. Bertram listed below are available on-line and may be found at the following url address: Those resources are listed alphabetically. The bibliography below is the most complete to date and includes all the resources published in a prior bibliographies also noted in this listing.

Books Authored

A Time for Confessing with Appendix (Postmodernity’s CRUX: A Theology of the Cross for the Postmodern World). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmanns, 2007.

How Theology Is About Man: Luther Since Birth (typescript). Ph.D. Dissertation, The Divinity School, The University of Chicago (1963).

Books Edited

Theology In the Life of the Church. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1963.

The Lively Function of the Gospel. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1966.

A Reader in Military Ethics and the Ethics of Military Leadership. An unpublished anthology collected and edited for the Religious Resource Center, USAREUR, 1976-1977.

Articles and Public Addresses


“Brunner on Revelation.” Concordia Theological Monthly 22, No. 9 (September, 1951):625-643.


“Freedom Under Law.” The Cresset 16, No. 3 (January, 1953):21-26.


“Legal Morality and the Two Kingdoms.” The Cresset 20, No. 4 (February, 1957):6-9.


“The Angels of Michael” (Revelations 12:7-12). The Cresset 21, No. 9 (September, 1958):12-14.


“Human Freedom in a Lutheran Theory of Education.” The Cresset 22, No. 9 (September, 1959):16-20.


“What Can Law Do For Revelation” Presentation at the Colloquy on Law and Theology, Valparaiso University, October, 1960.


“The Confessions for Today’s Student of Theology: A Session with Schneeweiss on Scripture.” The Springfielder 25, No. 3 (Autumn, 1961):31-35.


“C.F.W. Walther on Law and Gospel.” Reprint of “The Orthodox Teacher and the Word of God.” The Cresset 25, No. 9 (March 1962), (Thesis I), 11 (Thesis VI), 13-14 (Thesis XI), 15-16 (Thesis XVI), 18 (Thesis XXI).

“Scriptures and Confessions: A Session with Schneeweiss.” Presentation, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, 1962.

“Keeping the Word of God by Letting It (Him) Go To All the Trouble, and Take the Trouble” (Matthew 9:1-8). Presented at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, February 27, 1962.

“Pagan and Puritan” (Ephesians 2:11-18). The Cresset 26 (November, 1962):17-18.


“Preface.” In Theology in the Life of the Church, iii-iv. Edited by Robert W. Bertram. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1963.


“Conference on the Professional Responsibility of the Christian Lawyer” Presentation at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, April 25, 1964.


“Even Rome Can Be Home.” Address at the Annual Youth Workers Conference, Valparaiso

University, Valparaiso, Indiana, February 24, 1965.

“Be in Ever So Humdrum.” Address at the Annual Youth Workers Conference, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, February 24, 1965.

“Der heile Hauptmann.” Printed address at the conference entitled Menschen unter Befehl, at the Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Germany, 25-28 October 1965.


“As the Faculty Sees It.” The Hamma Bulletin 5 (1967):22-24.

“Luther’s Mission.” The Correspondent 65 (1967):2-7.

“The Great O Antiphons of Advent.” In Concordia Seminary Newsletter, 2-4. St. Louis: Concordia Seminary, Christmas 1967.

“The Radical Dialectic Between Faith and Works.” In Luther for an Ecumenical Age. 219-241. Edited by Carl S. Meyer. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1967.

“Spirituality Is for Angels—The Angels of Michael.” In Ecumenism: The Spirit and Worship. 126-129. Edited by Leonard J. Swidler. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1967.

“The Doctrine of Justification Today.” Unpublished address, June 27, 1967.

“Does MAP (Metropolitan Associates of Philadelphia) Need Theology?” An unpublished paper presented for the MAP consultation, St. Louis, Missouri, December 5, 1967.


“The Complete Centurion.” Concordia Theological Monthly 39 (1968):311-327.

“Oh Theophilus! Oh G.G.!” Commencement Address, Valparaiso University, June 9, 1968.

“Our Common Confession and Its Implications for Today.” Featured address before the Fourth World Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Uppsala, Sweden, July 6, 1968. Printed as an Appendix in the official Uppsala Report. Concordia Theological Monthly 39 (1968):715- 721.

“On the Nature of Systematic Theology.” Fragment from the meeting of the Concordia Seminary Department of Systematic Theology, November 13, 1968.


“Letting the Word Go to All the Trouble.” Interaction (October, 1969):llff.

“The Hermeneutical Significance of Apology IV.” In A Project in Biblical Hermeneutics. 124- 126. Edited by Richard Jungkuntz and published by The Commission on Theology and Church Relations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (CTCR #32). St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1969.

“Immortality.” Letter to Richard Jungkuntz, January 5, 1969.

“The Church and the Economic Order: Scriptural and Confessional Basis.” Address, St. Louis, April 30, 1969.


“How Free Are the American Churches? A Clue from Martin Luther King.” In Begugnung: Beitraege zu einer Hermeneutik des theologischen Gespraechs, 765-777. Edited by Max Seckler, Otto H. Pesch, Johannes Brosseder, and Wolfhart Pannenberg. Wien: Verlag Styria, 1971.

“Some Friendly Warnings for the Would-Be Christian.” Concordia Theological Monthly 42 (1971):403-406.

“On the Care and Feeding of Enemies.” Concordia Theological Monthly 42 (1971):317-321. “Sub ludicio Nostro.” Address, Fourth World Congress of Luther Research, St. Louis, Missouri, August 26, 1971.

“A Theologian’s Perspective on Economic Activities in the Christian World Mission.” Address, St. Louis, Missouri, September, 1971.

“Doing Theology in Relation to Mission.” Address, 1971.


“The Lively Use of the Risen Lord” (John 20:19-31). Concordia Theological Monthly 43 (July-August, 1972):438-441.

“A Parting Peace: from the Faculty to the Graduates of 1972.” (Co-author) St. Louis: Concordia Seminary, 1972.

“The Gospel as Good News in Today’s World.” Address, 1972.


“Transactional Analysis… Redeemable for Christian purpose?” Seminar 5 (April 24, 1973):3-4.

“Piepkorn in Perspective.” In “Viewpoint,” Missouri in Perspective 1, No. 5 (December 24,1973).

“Reconsidering Lutheran Identity in an Age of Theological Pluralism and Ecumenical Challenge.” Lutheran World 20, No. 1 (1973):3-18.

“Informal Remarks on the Historicity of Adam.” Presentation, 1973.

“Silencing the Word of God.” A public memorandum to the faculty majority of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, December 13, 1973.

“The WORD for new Orleans” statement, 1973.


“Crossings, Inc. (Saint Louis), A Proposal.” Confidential paper, January 6, 1974.

“For the Faculty.” A reply in behalf of the Seminex faculty to the Board of Control of Concordia Seminary, declining to be reinterviewed for possible re-employment, June 5, 1974.

“The Free Loser” Panel discussion on “The Pursuit of Freedom”, Danforth National Associates’ Conference, Estes Park, Colorado; 21. August 1974.

“Isn’t the Church Big Enough for Both of Us?” ELIM in Missouri 1:4 (July-August, 1974):1-2.

“Confessional Allegiance and Historical Method: Conflicting Accountabilities?” An essay presented to the Conference of Lutheran Professors of Theology, Chicago, Illinois, August 29, 1974.

“Ordained Into Whose Ministry?” Address to 1974 Seminex graduates at regional meetings, September, 1974.

The following essays are collected and published in The Promising Tradition. A Reader in Law- Gospel Reconstructionist Theology. Edited by Edward Schroeder. St. Louis: Concordia Seminary in Exile, 1974. (Second Expanded Edition). The first edition was published in 1973 by Concordia Seminary.
—“A Theologian’s Perspective on Economic Activity in the Christian World Mission,” 41G- 41R.
—“Confessional Subscription,” 38-41.
—“Doing Theology in Relation to Mission,” 419-441.
—“The Gospel as Good News in Today’s World,” 40-44.
—“The Hermeneutical Significance of Apology IV,” 2-4.
—“How Free Are the American Churches?: A Clue from Martin Luther King,” 22-28.
—“How Our Sins Were Christ’s: A Study in Luther’s Galatians (1531),” 7-21.
—“Informal Remarks on the Historicity of Adam,” 41Q-41X.
—“The Lively Use of the Risen Lord,” 5-6.
—“On the Nature of Systematic Theology,” 1.
—“Our Common Confession and Its Implications for Today,” 33-37.
—“Pardon My Dying. A Sequel to Ash Wednesday,” 30-33.
—“Transactional Analysis. . . Redeemable for Christian Purpose?” 29.

“What Is So Great About Faith?” In Faithful To Our Calling, Faithful To Our Lord, vol. II, 19- 22. Edited by The Faculty of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis: Concordia Seminary, 1974.

“Those Troublesome Mission Affirmations.” Cross and Caducous (1974):3.

“What’s Lutheran about Higher Education?” Paper presented at the 60th Annual Convention of the Lutheran Educational Conference of North America, St. Louis, Missouri, January 11-12, 1974.


“Who Needs Seminex?” In Touch (Winter 1974-75):3-4.

“How to Be Technological Though Theological: An Answer for ‘Fabricated Man.’“ Address at and published in the Proceedings of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology: Fabricated Man II; in vitro fertilization, 1-30. St. Louis: ITEST, 1975.

“Six Steps—Give Or Take One.” Presentation to the faculty and students of Concordia Seminary in Exile, 12 January 1975.


“Address on Churching the Movement.” Address at the ELIM Assembly, Rosemont, Illinois, August 19, 1976.

“A More Excellent Way.” A proposal in behalf of Concordia Seminary in Exile, 27 January 1976.

“Social Justice: A Recollection of King’s ‘Letter From Birmingham Jail.’“ NICM Journal 1, No. 3 (1976):39-53.

“Still Needed: A Confessional Movement.” In “Viewpoint,” Missouri In Perspective (August 2, 1976), 4.


“Ethical Implications of Military Leadership.” Outline of address at MCA Seminars in USAREUR, February 14-18, 1977.

“Confessional Movements and FC-10.” Address, Munich, Germany, July, 1977.

“A Time for Confessing: When Is the Church a Confessional Movement?” Address at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, October 21, 1977.

“A Letter in Response to a Call to Teach.” The Lutheran Independent, Issue #4 (September 1977), edited by Frank Leonard.


“A Time for Confessing: When Is the Church a Confessional Movement?” In The Cresset, Confession and Congregation, Occasional Papers III , 78-85. Edited by David G. Truemper. Valparaiso, Indiana: Valparaiso University Press, 1978.

“Transfer of Church Authority to Church Administration?” A paper delivered at the Twelfth Ecumenical Seminar, Institute for Ecumenical Research, Stasbourg, France, July 10, 1978.

“Like Movement, Like Seminary.” In “Viewpoint,” Missouri in Perspective (February 19, 1978).

“Assessing Movement’s Future Role.” In “Viewpoint,” Missouri in Perspective (October 23, 1978).


“A Christmas Crossing” (Luke 2:1-20). Currents in Theology and Mission 6. No. 6 (December, 1979):344-351.

“What Lutherans Confess: A Theological Course of Study in Five Sessions, Based Upon the Five Parts of Luther’s Large Catechism.” Presentation, Lay School of Theology, Piedmont Circuit, Southeastern District, LC-MS, 1979.

“Our Theological Shape Five Years Later, or, A New Movement and a Word For It.” Address, June 28, 1979.

“Re-Wording the Localist, Antibureaucratic Movement Into an Intentional Confessional Movement.” Address at the Annual Ecumenical Theological Symposium, Center for Parish Development, Naperville, Illinois, July, 1979.

“A Trans-Pluralism Trend: Might It Become Confessional?” Address at the Conference for Professional Church Workers, East Coast Synod, AELC, at Garrison, New York, October 15, 1979.


“Responsibility: A Confessional-Ethical Splice.” Address at a meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, New York, January 18, 1980. Second edition, 1987.

“The Present Governance Structure.” Memo to the Seminary Relations Committee of Christ Seminary-Seminex, March 10, 1980.

“Jesus and the Gentiles.” The Christian Century 97, No. 28 (September 10-17, 1980):438-439.

“An Epiphany Crossing—Programming Matthew 2:1-12 For Readers Today.” Currents in Theology and Mission 7, No. 6 (December, 1980):328-336.


“How a Lutheran Does Theology: Some Clues from the Lutheran Confessions.” In Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue: Report and Recommendations, 73-87. Edited by William G. Weinhauer and Robert L. Wietelman. Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1981.

“A Christmas Crossing, John 1:1-18.” Currents in Theology and Mission 8, No. 6 (December, 1981):335-343.


“Dialogue Theologians Must Hurry to Keep Up with Grassroots.” In Lutheran World Information, Release No. 34/82 (September 16, 1982) p. 7-8

“A Baptismal Crossing, Isaiah 42:1-9.” Currents in Theology and Mission 9, No. 6 (December,1982):344-353.

“Ministry.” Paper prepared for BEM, (1982).


“‘Confession’ Against Apartheid: When Faith is Ethos.” Address at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, Indianapolis, Indiana, January 15, 1983

“Confessing the Faith of the Church.” Address at The New Church Debate, Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, Illinois, February 7, 1983. Later published in The New Church Debate; Issues Facing American Lutheranism, 123-137. Edited by Carl E. Braaten. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983.

“From Reflection to Responsible Living: Where Do We Go From Here?” Address at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, April 27, 1983.

“Redeeming Hefner’s ‘Discerning The Times.’“ Presentation, December 8, 1983.

“Confessing As Re-Defining Authority: Ethical Implications of Augsburg’s ‘Time for Confessing.’“ Address, later published in The Debate On Status Confessionis: Studies in Christian Political Theology, 95-104. Edited by Eckhardt Lorenz. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, Department of Studies, 1983.

“Chicago Theologians on BEM.” Address, December, 1983.

“Glory: Empty or Full? Programming the Pericope Philippians 2:1-11.” (1983).


“Chicago Theologians on BEM.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 21 (1984):64-70. Also published in The Search for Visible Unity: Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry. Edited by J. Gros. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1984.

“Liberation by Faith, Confessing.” Address at conference entitled “Liberation: Coamon Hope in a Complex Hemisphere,” Seguin, Texas, February 22, 1984.

“Response to Wilhelm Linss on the Ministry.” Letter, October, 1984.

“Political Preaching: Thirty Propositions on Addressing Controversial Social Issues.” Address at Institute of Liturgical Studies, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, 1984. Published in The Cresset 38 (December, 1984):4-6.


“Mary and the Saints as an Issue in the Lutheran Confessions.” Address at the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue USA, January, 1985.

“A Smithian Luther and Faith-Based Universalism.” Address at “The Lewis Conference,” St. Louis University, October 18-20, 1985.

“Three Parables from Stavanger: The WCC’s Faith and Order Commission’s Plenary Meeting.” Address given September 4, 1985. Published in Ecumenical Trends 14 (1985):157-160.

“‘Faith Alone Justifies’: Luther on lustitia Fidei.” In Justification By Faith, 172-184. Edited by H. Anderson, T. Murphy, J. Burgess. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1985.

“Recent Lutheran Theologies On Justification By Faith: A Sampling.” In Justification By Faith, 241-255. Edited by H. Anderson, T. Murphy, J. Burgess. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1985.


“Confessio: Self-Defense Becomes Subversive.” Paper, January, 1986. Later published in dialog 26, No. 3 (Summer, 1987):201-208. Response by Paul R. Hinlicky, dialog 27, No. 1 (Winter, 1988):66.

“A Constructive Theology of the Saints.” Address at the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue USA, Burlingame, California, February, 1986.

“The Confessional Situation as Eschatological and as Hypothetically Atheistic: A Comparison of Luther and Bonhoeffer.” Paper, March, 1986.

“Explanation-Justification: A Rung from Sharpe’s Ladder.” Address in response to Kevin Sharpe’s From Science to Adequate Mythology for Ralph Burhoe’s and Philip Hefner’s Advanced Seminary on Science and Religion at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, April 15, 1986.

“Response to Jay Rochelle’s, ‘Ends, Means and Diversions in Theological Education.” Address at Faculty Retreat, Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, Illinois, December 16, 1986.

“Preaching Peace” (Ephesians 2:13-18). LSTC Baccalaureate Sermon, June 9, 1985. Published in Currents in Theology and Mission 13, No. 3 (June, 1986):155-160.


“Review Symposium on Revelation and Theology: The Gospel as Narrated Promise.” dialog 26, No. 1 (Winter, 1987):69-71. With response by Ronald F. Thiemann.

“The Crux of Philippine Liberation Theology.” Address at the Society for Christian Ethics, Boston, Massachusetts, January 17, 1987.

“Luther on the Unique Mediatorship of Christ.” Address at the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue USA, Tampa, Florida, February, 1987.

“Correlations and Crossings.” The Cresset 51 (1987):16-18.

“Don’t Confuse Athanasius—Or God.” Currents in Theology and Mission 14, No. 3 (June, 1987):200-203.

“Putting the Nature of God Into Language: Naming the Trinity.” Address at Lutheran School of Theology Faculty Forum, Chicago, Illinois, May 18, 1987. With response by Paul Rorem. Later published in Our Naming of God: Problems and Prospects of God-Talk Today. 91-110. Edited by Carl E. Braaten. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1989.

“Cresset, Correlations and Crossings.” Address at Graduate Students Association, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, September 21, 1987. With response by Michael Hoy.

“Two Ways Not To See the Judge” (Matthew 25:31-46). Christ the King Workshop, LSTC, Chicago, Illinois, November 10, 1987.

“Seminex Was About Risk.” Address, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, December 11, 1987.


“A Philippine Revolution: From Patients to Agents.” Paper, March, 1988.

“The Ministry of ‘the Ordained’ and ‘the Laity’ (2 Corinthians, chs. 3-6).” Paper, April, 1988.

“On Faith in Christianity.” Letter to Ninian Smart of the University of Lancaster, June 29, 1988.

“Is God Triune Apart From Jesus Christ?” Paper, July 1, 1988.

“Response to Fred Dallmayr’s paper, ‘Critical Theory and Reconciliation.’“ Address, October 7, 1988.

“Reformation Faith and American Pragmatism.” Paper (1988). “Responsibility.” Paper (1988).

“Liberation By Faith: Segundo and Luther in Mutual Criticism.” dialog 27, No. 4 (Fall, 1988):268-276.

“Programming the Pericope John 18:33-37.” Christ the King Workshop, LSTC, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1988.


“When Is God Triune?” dialog 28, No. 2 (Spring, 1989):133. Response by Paul Hinlicky and Ann Pederson, dialog 28, No. 4 (Autumn, 1989):307-309. Rebuttal by Bertram dialog 29, No.1 (Winter, 1990):60-61.

“Altogether by Faith.” Address, March, 1989. “Response to Timothy Staveteig.” Letter, July 22, 1989.

“‘A Time For Confessing’: Recent Confessing Movements in Light of the Reformation.” A proposal for a tome, July, 1989.

“Lutheran Confessional Perspectives in Today’s World,” Address, Cabrini Retreat Center, Chicago, June 1, 1989.

“Black Churches in the Civil Rights Movement as a Confessing Movement: Confessio as Disencumbering the Gospel.” Address at the Society of Christian Ethics, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1989.


“Christ(ening),” Currents in Theology and Mission 18, No. 3 (June, 1991):196-197.

“How the Lutheran Confessions Use Scripture; ‘Scripture and Tradition’ as ‘Scripture and Confessions.’“ First Draft of Address at the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue USA, February, 1991.

“Is Dialogue Hazardous to Ecumenism?” Address at the Liturgical Institute, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, April 10, 1991.

“Abounding in Hope.” Address at the 1991 Assembly of the Missouri-Kansas Synod (ELCA), Lindsborg, Kansas, June 7-8, 1991.

“The Exchange of Peace.” Address at the 1991 Assembly of the Missouri-Kansas Synod (ELCA), Lindsborg, Kansas, June 7-8, 1991.


“Carl J. Peter, Jr. (1932-1991): A Tribute.” dialog 31, No.1 (1992):2-3.

“Response to Michael Hoy.” Response article to “The Soteriological Mission of Theology: Robert W. Bertram,” by Michael Hoy, dialog 31, No. 1 (1992):52-53.

“A Constructive Theology of the Saints.” dialog 31, No. 4 (1992):265-271.

“Luther on the Unique Mediatorship of Christ.” In The One Mediator. The Saints, and Mary; Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue VIII, 249-262. Edited by H. George Anderson, J. Francis Stafford, and Joseph A. Burgess. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1992.


“Depth in the Faith.” LSTC Epistle (Fall 1994):1.

“Depth of the Faith.” Paper (1984).


“Problem of Evil? Or Problem of God?” Presentation at Augustana University College,

Camrose, Alberta, Canada, 1995.
“Infant Communion? Then What Is Communion? Or Baptism?” Paper. (February 8, 1996)


“Sain Sex.” Lutheran Partners, Vol. 12, No. 1 (January-February), 8-25.

“Falling Short of the Glory.” In Lutheran Woman Today, March, 1996, p. 25-27.


“He’s Got the Whole World In His Hand? Yes, But Which Hand?” Presentation at Bethel Lutheran Church, October 26, 1997.

“Bulldozed by Baptism: The Better to See You With. A Crossing of Luke 3:1-6.” Presentation at the Sebring Seminar, Cape Coral, Florida, December 1997.

“Forgiving One Another, Out Loud.” Paper (1987).

“Will ‘Full Communion’ Include Full Conversation?” Paper (Summer, 1997).


“Foretasting ‘Full Communion’: Tomorrow’s LutEpisc Today.” Presentation at the Lutheran-Episcopal Workshop, Lutheran School of Theology, St. Louis, Missouri (May 5, 1998).

“Moving Our Congregations ‘from Maintenance to Mission’: Is the Jerusalem Congregation at Pentecost (Acts 2) a Model?” Lutheran Professional Church Workers Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, September 10, 1998.

“Sain Sex.” Address at and published in the Proceedings of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology: The Family of the Future: The Future of the Family, 65-99. St. Louis: ITEST, 1998.


“Sain Sex: Saving Marriage By ‘Crossing’ It.” Address at Setting Agenda for Lutheran Theology Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, April 23-25, 1999.

“Telling Time, or, Whose Millennium Is It Anyway?” Address at the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Christ Seminary-Seminex, Atonement Lutheran Church, St. Louis, Missouri, June 25, 1999.


“The Authority to be (Culpably) Inclusive: A Mark of Bonhoeffer’s Confession.” Paper presented at the Eighth International Bonhoeffer Congress, Berlin, Germany, August, 2000. UTS Archives, Bonhoeffer Secondary Papers, Series 1B Box 7.

“The Enlightenment That Won’t Go Away: Modernity’s Crux” In Zygon, vol. 35, no. 4, p. 919- 925. (December 2000).


“Faithful Teaching, But Religious?” In By Faith Alone: Essays on Justification in Honor of Gerhard O. Forde, 332-340. Edited by Joseph A. Burgess and Mark Kolden. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2004.

Major Book Reviews

Franz Lau, Luther. In Archiv fuer Reformationsgeschichte 55 (1964):114-15.

Edward Schillebeeckx, Christ the Sacrament of the Encounter With God.” In Journal of Religion 45 (1965):260-261.
Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Faith According to Luther. In The Christian Century 84 (1967):1660.

F.W. Kantzenbach and V. Vatja, Oecumenica 1968. In Journal of Ecumenical Studies 7 (1970):346-47.

H. McSorley, Luther, Right or Wrong? In Archiv fuer Reformationsgeschichte 62, (1971):313- 15.

David D. Truemper and Frederick A. Niedner, Jr., Keeping the Faith. In The Cresset 45 (1982).

Rustum Roy, Experimenting With Truth. In Zygon 20, No. 2 (June 1985):227-30.

Ronald F. Thiemann, Revelation and Theology: The Gospel as Narrated Promise. In The Christian Century 103, No. 3 (January 22, 1986):74-75.


“The Great ‘O’ Antiphons.” Concordia Seminary Chapel, December 7, 1964.

“The Authority to Serve: II Corinthians 6:1-10” Morning Chapel, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO, 17 February, 1967.

“The Better to See You With, Dear World.” Concordia Seminary Chapel, May 6, 1969.

“Pardon My Dying” (Genesis 3:19; I Cor. 15:49). Concordia Seminary Chapel, February 17, 1972.

“The Lively Use of the Risen Lord” (John 20:19-31). Concordia Seminary Chapel, April 13, 1972.

“The Uncommon Community” (Acts 2:42). Concordia Seminary Chapel, June 12, 1973.

“Hear Sirens, Thnk Chase” (I Timothy 6:11-16). Concordia Seminary in Exile, 14 October 1974.

“Who’s We?” (The Te Deum). Seminex Chapel, September 23, 1977. “Look Again.” Seminex Chapel, February 9, 1978.

“That’s Empty, My Son” (Philippians 2:1-11). Ordination sermon preached at Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois, September 24, 1978.

“What Makes the Rejects Sing?” (Psalm 118). Seminex Baccalaureate, May 1979.

“Praise to You, O Christ?” (Matthew 22:15-22). LSTC Chapel, October 24, 1984.

“God of the Widows” (Mark 12:38-44). LSTC Chapel, November 13, 1985.

“The Boast That Is Faith” (Romans 3:19-28). LSTC Chapel, Feast of the Reformation, 1986.

“Homily at the Installation of The Reverend William Yancey into the Pastorate of Bethel Lutheran Church” (2 Corinthians 4:1-7). March 27, 1988.

“We Never Know How Healed We Are Until We Hear the Healer Out” (Mark 7:31-37). Sermon preached at the baptism of Hannah Davis, September 11, 1988.

“Remembrance, Repentance, Resurrection” (Luke 16:19-31). Sermon preached at the Fiftieth Anniversary Reunion of the Class of 1939, Concordia Seminary, at Fort Wayne, Indiana. September 24, 1989.

“Be there at Our Homing.” Sermon preached at the wedding of Jane Ralph and Peter Rehwaldt, September 29, 1989.

“Christophers.” Sermon preached at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, October 25, 1989.

“Clinging for Dear Life” (John 20:1-18). Sermon preached at LSTC. Easter 1990.

“Fearing and Fearing Not” Sermon preached in St. Louis, October 6, 1990.

“Just Dying for a Change” (Mark 16:1-8). Sermon preached at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, March 3, 1991.
“Commencement Sermon for D. Min. Candidates” (John 16:4b-11). Church, St. Louis, Missouri, Pentecost Evening, 5 June, 1995.

In Nomine Jesu.” Christmas Eve sermon (undated).

Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Undated.

Crossings Newsletters

Bertram published several essays in editions of the Crossings Newsletter, beginning with the first issue in 1985. Several of the Crossings Newsletters are available on-line at Bertram helped establish The Crossings Community


Robert W. Bertram, “Bibliography, 1960-1980.” February 1, 1980. (unpublished)

________________, “Faculty Activities and Achievements, July 1981-June 1983 (2 Corinthians 11:17-18).” May 3, 1983. (unpublished)

________________, “Publications, 1983-1984.” March 12, 1984. (unpublished)

________________, “Scholarship.” 1986. (unpublished)

________________, “Speaking engagements, 1986-1987.” (unpublished)

Steven C. Kuhl, “Bibliography of Robert W. Bertram.” In Currents in Theology and Mission 14, No. 2 (April, 1987):140-146. This issue of Currents, plus the June, 1987 issue, were Festschrift editions in honor of Robert W. Bertram.

Articles About Robert W. Bertram

Jerome Taylor, “Religion in College,” The Commonweal 71, No. 18 (January 29, 1960):483- 486.

Thomas Strieter, “The Confessing Movement: A Struggle-Resistance Model Within the Church: Robert W. Bertram and Edward H. Schroeder,” chapter 5 in Contemporary Two Kingdoms and Governances Thinking in Today’s World, unpublished dissertation, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, May, 1986.

Ralph Klein, “Just Look Around: Essays in Honor of Robert W. Bertram.” Currents in Theology and Mission 14, No. 2 (April, 1987):82-84.

Paul Rorem, “Bertram’s Subtle Dependence: Employing the Sincere Form of Flattery” a response to Robert W. Bertram’s Putting the Nature of God into Language: Naming the Trinity, May 18, 1987.

Edward H. Schroeder, “A Time For Confessing Is A Time For Liberating,” Currents in Theolocrv and Mission, 14, No. 2 (April, 1987):85-93.

“Reflections on a Commuter Marriage,” Lutheran Women Today 1, No. 3 (March, 1988):16-18. “1. Bob Bertram Is Retiring. T or F?” LSTC’s Alumni Newsletter, (December, 1990):1.

“Bertram Retires From Faculty,” Epistle: A Newsletter of the The Lutheran School of Theologv at Chicago. 23, No. 3 (Summer 1991):2.

Michael Hoy, “The Soteriological Mission of Theology,” dialog 31, No. 1 (1992):48-53. With response by Robert W. Bertram.

Paul Rorem, “Betram’s Subtle Dependence: Employing the sincere form of flatter” a response to Robert Bertram’s “Putting the Nature of God Into Language: Naming the Trinity”. May 18, 1987

Bertram Bibliography (PDF)



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In the early 1970s two seminary professors listened to the plea of some lay Christians. “Can you help us live out our faith in the world of daily work?” they asked. “Can you help us connect Sunday worship with our lives the other six days of the week?”  That is how Crossings was born.


The Crossings Community, Inc. welcomes all people looking for a practice they can carry beyond the walls of their church service and into their daily lives. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, or gender in any policies or programs.

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