The Crossings Blog

Thursday Theology -full listing Crossings Film Series
  • A Feminist Christian’s Theology–Two Reviews
    Colleagues, Exactly one year ago ThTh #1, our first one, went out into cyberspace. Today’s edition is #50. If you have been on the receiving end since the beginning, you did get 52 editions already, since we doubled up a couple of times in this first year, sending out two week’s worth on one Thursday. For ...
  • The Other Half of the U+turn of Repentance, a Response to ThTh 48
    Colleagues, Michael Hoy, veteran Sabbatheology guru, sent in today’s piece. It’s Mike’s addendum–“support” he calls it (well, sortuv)–to my ThTh #48 offering last week. It’s “the rest of the U-turn of repentance, the really good stuff.” Mike’s stuff offered here is indeed good stuff. Early this year Mike moved to St. Louis from a deanship at ...
  • Repentance: Coping with God the Critic
    For the prophet Amos the question was rhetorical and the answer obvious. “Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does evil befall a city, unless the LORD has done it?” But it wasn’t obvious to his hearers. Nor, it seems, are the rhetorical trumpets and local evils obvious to ...
  • Outsiders and Insiders
    Colleagues, For this week’s ThTh, two announcements and one piece of theology. The theological essay comes from a Crossings aficionada. She sent it to me earlier in the week as a “Monday Musing.” It spoke to my muse. Let’s see if it does to yours too.  Peace & Joy!   Ed Schroeder THE TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS FYI. The number of you on ...
  • Historic Episcopate–Another (once underground) Voice
    Colleagues: MeLinda Morton studied theology at Seminex in the early 1980s. After seminary she went into the Air Force and served as an operational AF officer for ten years: “I did some flying, served as a Minuteman II missile officer, and spent my last three years in the space program.” Her Minuteman II service, she says, ...
  • Theology of the Cross or Theology of the Resurrection?
    Colleagues, Every Friday noon during the current academic year Robin Morgan and I have joined a handful of other folks at St. Louis (Jesuit) University for a brown-bag lunch hour at the Theology Department. Robin’s in a doctoral program there. One item of her program has her working with “Theology Digest,” a department publication. At the ...
  • Relocating Authority in the Family
    Colleagues, I’ve been afflicted by some “bug” for most of the past week, so my intended piece for ThTh44 didn’t get finished. So I’ve gone to the “barrel” for what follows. It’s an essay I was asked to do for a publication in Australia when I ...
  • Response to Luther Research
    Colleagues, The text ...
  • Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son in the Old and New Testaments: A Jewish Scholar’s Report
    THE DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF THE BELOVED SON. The Transformation of Child Sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity, Jon D. Levenson. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. 1993. xiv, 257. The sub-title–child sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity–is enough to get your attention, even if it is “transformed!” But I had never even heard of the title, let alone the author, until ...
  • Two responses re: The Vatican and Me
    This past week we received these two responses to Thursday Theology #37, my piece called “The Vatican and Me”. The first is a letter to Ed about me from Lou Smith. The second is a sermon by Carolyn Schneider. Somehow I’m sure there’ll be more discussion about this topic after you’ve read these two pieces. ...