Affirmations of God’s Mission

Adopted by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (1965) Variations proposed by EHS, Jan. 27, 2004 Edward H. Schroeder   I. The Church Is God’s Mission. [RSV = Revised Schroeder Version] The Church is Created by God’s ”NEW” mission to the world, God’s unique mission in Christ. The Church is both the product of God’s new mission in Christ …

Seminex at Thirty. Random Ramblings for an Anniversary

Colleagues,Thirty years ago this week, on January 20, 1974, John Tietjen was sacked as president of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. In the agonized history of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod it was a long time coming. But when it happened, Seminex started moving through the birth canal. That passage took 28 days. And then classes at …

“Lord, Bless This Mess, Please!” A Sermon at the Daystar Conference

Colleagues, Last week’s ThTh #291 concluded with something like this: I’ve been invited to the Daystar conference next week here in town. They want to remember and rehab the 1965 “Mission Affirmations” for implementation in the LCMS [Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod] today. If I hear something that grabs me, and if I can get permission, I’ll …

The LCMS Mission Affirmations of 1965–Then and Now

Colleagues,Contrary to popular perception the LCMS is not a monolithic entity. Nor was it ever. Some say they were squabbling about doctrine before they even got off the boat in 1839. And it continues today even after the sweeping purge of “liberals” 30 years ago that created Seminex, and (tell it not in Gath) nudged the expelled Missourians …

2004 Won’t be a Happy New Year in the USA, So Long As . . . .

Colleagues,2004 won’t be a Happy New Year in the USA — as long as we’re still in denial. Background: For the Sundays in December Fred Danker and I have been Bible Class leaders at our parish church here in St. Louis. Fred, as some of you know, is the world’s superstar lexicographer for the Greek New Testament. [Check …