Ed Schroeder on Faith and Risk


We send you to our library this week for another gem that’s hidden there. It’s a quick little piece. Ed Schroeder wrote it in 1975, a year into the high-risk venture called Concordia Seminary in Exile—Seminex, for short, and, soon thereafter, Christ Seminary—Seminex. No wonder that risk is the topic Ed takes up here. He and his family were awash in it. So were forty colleagues, several hundred students, and all their families.

Leave it to Ed, of course, to dig to the heart of what the risk was really about in that or any other year, including the one we’re in the middle of today. A virus in the air is the least of our worries, as he’ll quickly make plain.

And leave it all the more to Ed to underscore why risk-taking is our only faithful option when Christ is in our corner. “Stumble on with joy,” as we can hear one of his students saying.

A reminder that a reading group is set to launch via Zoom next Thursday with the aim of digging deep into Crossings-style theology. Chapter 1 of Robert Bertram’s A Time for Confessing will be the topic for the day. Interested? Drop a note to the convener, Pr. Scott Benolkin of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Rockford, Illinois.

Peace and Joy,

The Crossings Community

Ed Schroeder on Faith and Risk

by Ed Schroeder

Thursday Theology: that the benefits of Christ be put to use
A publication of the Crossings Community