Matthew 21:23-32
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
(Proper 21–Sunday between September 26 and October 2 Inclusive)
analysis by Michael Hoy
DIAGNOSIS: Keeping the Old Way
Step 1-Initial Diagnosis: Promise Breakers–Not going (even after saying you will)
When the Father comes looking for those who will do his will, what will he find? More often that not, there will be those who will say one thing but do another. The response of the first son is an outright “no,” so obviously unrighteous that few of us would risk being that wrong. Hence, the response of the second son, “I go sir,” sounds more faithful. But while sounding promising, it is followed up by actions (really, non-actions) that belie going. So also Jesus’ inquisitors give every outward appearance that they are interested in doing the Father’s will, but they cannot give Jesus a straight answer to his counter-question. They give an answer that they think gets them off the hook, leaves them looking OK, but it really doesn’t. We are also prone to that tactic.
Step 2-Advanced Diagnosis: Not changing one’s mind (= not believing)
What they had was an opportunity in Jesus’ question to change their minds (unlike their own question to Jesus, which was only to entrap). But they did not. And why not? Because they were fearful of being incriminated–and not simply by Jesus or by the crowd, but by John’s call to repentance. That would signal that there is something wrong with their lives. So they pass on the opportunity, thinking that thereby they avoid incrimination. So do we, in our unbelief.
Step 3-Final Diagnosis: Not getting
But incrimination is not avoided. And the truth is, they (or we) really couldn’t change their minds, even if they (or we) wanted to. We are locked in to our way of depraved thinking. But that does not make us any less accountable for our failure to change our minds. The final result is that we get locked out as others go into the “kingdom of God ahead of you.”
PROGNOSIS: Gaining a New Way
Step 4-Initial Prognosis: Getting Authorized
The priests and the elders will follow through on their plans to have Jesus crucified, thinking perhaps that that will put the incrimination to rest. It will, but not in the way they could perceive. Jesus has another plan, a cross purpose, in mind for those who are promise-breakers. HIS Promise, even though death, gets kept! His authority is authority over death for all who are locked in the dungeon of being ultimately incriminated for their poor intentions, and even poor showings as God’s children. This Son of the Father sees to it that the incrimination to death is itself put to death, and he has the authority to triumph.
Step 5-Advanced Prognosis: Changing one’s mind (= believing)
We get to cherish Jesus’ unintimidating presence as “authority enough” over any incriminating presences. Even as the text appears to speak of believing “in John,” it is believing that John’s call to repentance is something not to be feared — even for all its incriminating, damning evidence; for Jesus’ cross-purposes are to have us claimed as his righteous ones. And that is something we get to embrace, to believe, to live with a changed heart and mind.
Step 6- Final Prognosis: Promise Keepers–Going (saying “yes,” even after first saying “no”)
What we get to do — note, get to do — is to go about the Father’s business in the vineyard today. Even after we said “no,” even after we had seemingly put ourselves in the Father’s dog-house with our disobedience and unfaithful being, Jesus’ reclaiming of our lives gives us the authority to say “yes” in spite of what we once were. We cling to his promise, we keep his promise, and we keep the promise in the Father’s work today.