Seminar 2024 Speakers

Chris Repp
Chris is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Champaign, Illinois. He began his ministry teaching church history and theology at a Lutheran seminary in St. Petersburg, Russia. He currently hosts the Crossings Book Club, a biweekly discussion group.

Robin Lutjohann
Robin puts his vivid preaching gifts to work at Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he operates in German as well as English. He also teaches Lutheran Confessions at Harvard Divinity School, his alma mater.

Jerome Burce
Jerome (or Jerry), a retired pastor, is the editor of Thursday Theology, the weekly blog of the Crossings Community. His book, Proclaiming the Scandal, was published in 2000 by Trinity Press International as part of a series on Christian Mission and Modern Culture.

Nathan Hall
Pastor Hall serves the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in the increasingly post-Christian environment of North Conway, New Hampshire. There he encourages the saints “to go boldly where Christ leads; to serve joyfully where love calls.”

Frederick Niedner
Fred is a Senior Research Professor at Valparaiso University where he taught theology from 1973 to 2014. Preaching has been a particular focus of his writing, teaching and pastoral work. Those who have heard him preach are quick to rank him among the best ever. He is the co-author of Keeping the Faith: A Guide to the Christian Message (Fortress Press, 1980).

Ruth Hanusa
An ELCA pastor, Ruth presently serves on the pastoral staff of Trinity Cathedral (ECUSA) in Reno, Nevada. She has extensive experience in campus ministry and hospice chaplaincy. Ministry to the grieving is among her strengths, as is preaching.

Steven Albertin
Steve Albertin is presently on his third post-retirement assignment as an interim pastor in Indianapolis. He has published four collections of sermons over the years and continues to write text studies for Crossings. He is also the author and presenter of our “Faith Seeking Understanding” video series.
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