Below are a list of sermons from one of our founders, Robert W. Bertram.
- The Angels of Michael
- The Authority to Serve, II Corinthians 6:1-10
- “Be There At Our Homing”
- The Better To See You With, Dear World
- The Boast That Is Faith
- But Now Has Christ Arisen
- On the Care and Feeding of Enemies
- Christophers
- Clinging For Dear Life
- Don’t Confuse Athanasius – or God
- Fearing and Fearing Not
- The Great “O” Antiphons
- God of The Widows
- Hear Sirens, Think Chase
- Homily at the Installation of The Reverend William Yanccy into the pastorate of Bethel Lutheran Church, Saint Louis
- The Housewife Who Lost-And Loved
- In Nomine Jesu
- In the Name of Jesus Sermon
- Just Dying for a Change
- Look Again
- Luke 22:13b-19a, 25-30
- Matthew 27:11-14 “Jesus Not-Saying”
- 1 Cor 12: 3b- 16 “Many Gifts, One Giver-But Which One?”
- Oh Lord, The Singing
- Pagan and Puritan
- The 130th Psalm for the 130th Anniversary of Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis “A PSALM FOR YOUR BALM – AT ONE-THIRTY”
- Pentecost Sermon
- “Praise to you, 0 Christ?”
- Preaching Peace
- Remembrance, Repentance, Resurrection
- Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
- Seven Friendly Warnings for the Would-Be Christian
- That is Empty, That’s My Son
- The Uncommon Community
- We never hear how healed we are–Until we hear the healer out Mark 7:31-37
- What Makes The Rejects Sing?
- Who’s We?
- Worship as Adoration