Below is a list of writings from one of our founders, Edward H. Schroeder.
- Bibliography of Edward Schroeder
- Accepting My Role as Acceptor
- Advent Hymn
- Affirmations of God’s Mission Adopted by The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (1965) Variations proposed by EHS, Jan. 27, 2004
- An Argument for Academic Theology at VU
- A Second Look at the Gospel of Mark – Midway in the Year of Mark
- Baptism and Confession
- The Care and Redemption of God’s Creation
- A Case from AC 28 for Women in the Pastoral Office Today
- C.F.W. Walther On Law and Gospel Toward a Revival of Lutheran Hermeneutics
- Charismatic Pneumatology
- Christological Difficulties at IAMS 10 Some Thoughts about IAMS 10
- Confession Of Faith
- One Covenant or Two? An Interview with Dr. Edward Schroeder and Dr. Theodore Ludwig
- Critique of President Preus’ Statement
- Current Implications of the “We Condemn Statements in the Lutheran Confessions
- Deconstructing Missio Dei “in the Light of the Gospel.”
- Encountering the Hidden God
- Encountering The Last Enemy
- Family Ethos in the Light of the Reformation
- A Forty-Day Journey through Lent — but Never Alone
- The Gospel as the Answer to Youth’s Problems: Vocational
- It Is a Sin To Tell a Lie The Eighth Commandment in The Twentieth Century
- Johann Eck and Jacob Preus – Parallels: 1530 & 1972
- The Job of Un-cursing the World
- Korean Women Search for the Silver Coin
- “Laity in Ministry to the World: God’s Secret Weapon for Reforming the Church and the World”
- Law-Gospel Reductionism in the History of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
- Law-Promise Hermeneutics, Lutheranism’s Core Charism – for Every Context.
Case Study: Mission Theology - The Layman and His Church: A Theological Study
- The Lord’s Supper in the Dialogues – A Horizontal Look
- Lord Teach us to Pray
- Luke’s Gospel Through a Systematician’s Lens
- Luther’s Commentary on the Third Article as a Clue to His Theology of Other Religions
- Lutheranism’s Crying Need: A Mission Theology for the 21st Century
- Luther and the Liberation of the Laity: Part I: The Liberation They Enjoy
- Luther and the Liberation of the Laity: Part II: The Freedom They Employ
- Lutheran Missiology — An Oxymoron? Maybe Not — Especially, Not Now.
- Luther as Mission Theologian — 9.5 Theses
- Models for Ministry in a Secular Age
- Mosaic and Christic Ethos in the Gospel of John
- …”Now About the Risks Involved…”
- The Orders of Creation-Some Reflections on the History and Place of the Term in Systematic Theology
- Pluralism’s Question to Christian Missions: Why Jesus at All?
- The Promising Tradition
- Reformation Resources: Law/Promise Hermeneutics & the Godly Secularity of Sex
- The Relation of Other Disciplines to the Study and Teaching of Theology: An Attempt at a Lutheran Perspective
- The Relationship Between Dogmatics and Ethics in the Thought of Elert, Barth, and Troeltsch
- Relocating Authority: A Perennial Family Issue
- Responsible Theological Education
- The Role of Women in the Church of Jesus Christ
- “The Role of Mission in the Future of Lutheran Theology.” Some Thoughts drawn from Luther and the Lutheran Confessions
- Seminex Exile-Love It. Don’t Leave It
- ‘A Statement’ A Mis-Statement
- Suffering
- Take the Jerusalem Bypass Matthew 2:1-12 – The Visit of the Magi
- Thankfulness: An Apostolic Afterthought?
- Theistic Evidences in Contemporary Protestant Theology
- Theological Reflections on Artificial Intelligence
- A Theology of Acceptance
- Is There a Lutheran Hermeneutics?
- A Time for Confessing Is a Time for Liberating
- Using the Doctrine of Original Sin in Pastoral Care
- Using Luther’s Concept of Deus absconditus for Christian Mission to Muslims
- Where on Earth are the Heavenly Places?
- “Who Me?”
- “Who Suffers in the Trinity? Theopaschitism in Theology”
- A Whole New Work: Lutheran Images Of the People of God in Creation
- Whose Church Is It? – Receiving Women Pastors
- The Word of God in the Genesis Creation Account
- The Word of God in the Lutheran Tradition