Information and Registration for January 23-25, 2022 Seminar will be posted soon!  

Our Lady of the Snows Conference Center
Belleville, IL (15 minutes from Downtown St. Louis)

We, the Church, are the promising community—“the salt of the earth,” “the light of the world.” Or so the Promising One, crucified and risen, once said and continues to say to the people he gathers around him. But who takes that seriously in this third decade of the 21st century? Our neighbors scoff at it. Our children run from it. We struggle to believe it ourselves as we assess the post-pandemic state of our aging congregations and dwindling institutions.

The goal of this seminar is to help us—once again—to hear the Promise clearly, to think about it deeply, and to let the Spirit refresh us in our calling as stewards of God’s breathtaking promises of forgiveness, love, and abundant life for all people, beginning with the neighborhoods we inhabit.

Register Now\n\nKeynote Speakers\n\nLori Cornell
Lori Cornell does ministry in the original None Zone of the Pacific Northwest, serving at Calvary Lutheran Church in Federal Way, Washington. She and her congregation are re-imagining what it means to literally and figuratively be “at the Intersection of Faith and Service”—in their bedroom-community, downtown-core context. She is an intern-supervisor, the mother of two adult daughters who have flown the coop, and is living the broken life every day in challenging and delightful ways.\n\nChad Bird
Chad Bird has served as a pastor, professor, and guest lecturer. He holds master’s degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He cohosts the popular podcast, “40 Minutes in the Old Testament,” and has contributed articles to several publications. He is also the author of several books, including, Upside-Down Spirituality. \n\nJames Brooks
Rev. James L. Brooks serves as the Senior Pastor of Harmony Community Church and the Chief Ministry Officer at Lawndale Christian Health Center on the Westside of Chicago. He formerly served as the Coordinator of Youth Ministry at Grace Lutheran Church in River Forest, IL, and was the first African American to be called to serve this historic Lutheran congregation.\n\nSpeakers\n\nKaren Clapp
Karen Clapp was born in South Africa where her parents served as missionaries. Since high school, she has lived in Chicago, attending Concordia University where she received her nursing degree. She completed the family nurse practitioner graduate program at University of Illinois Chicago. From 1996 to 2010 she worked at Lawndale Christian Health Center which provides medical care on Chicago’s west side. \n\nMarcus Felde
Marcus Felde is a retired pastor; a Seminex grad with a Ph.D. in theology from the University of Chicago who has served fourteen years as a missionary in Papua New Guinea and twenty-five as pastor of congregations in Indiana. He and his wife Christine are happy grandparents of ten.\n\nBruce Modahl
Rev. Bruce Modahl is a retired ELCA pastor. He graduated from Christ Seminary – Seminex, with degrees from Princeton Sem. and Union Seminary, VA. He has written for a variety of publications including Sundays and Seasons and The Christian Century.
 \n\nGlenn Monson
Glenn Monson is currently serving in Rochester, MN. His popular blog, Law and Gospel Everywhere, gives weekly direction to preachers globally. He is the author of Afflicting the Comfortable, Comforting the Afflicted, a brief guide to Law and Gospel preaching. He has taught in such diverse places as Holden Village, WA and the Lutheran Bible Institute of Kiomboi, Tanzania.
 \n\nSue Westhorp
Sue is a lay member of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA). She has degrees in music and theology and has worked within the LCA as a lay worker in pastoral care and music, and has composed widely for the LCA. She is currently the Manager of Spiritual Care and CPE Centre Director at Austin Health in Melbourne.
\n\nDavid Zahl
David Zahl is the founder and director of Mockingbird Ministries, editor-in-chief of the popular Mockingbird website, and co-host of The Mockingcast. He serves on the staff of Christ Episcopal Church in Charlottesville, Virginia. Zahl is the coauthor of Law and Gospel and author of A Mess of Help and his most recent book Seculosity.


Afternoon            Check in

6:30 PM               A Crossings Primer. Marcus Felde “Relevant and Joyful:  A Fresh Take on the Crossings Method”

8:30 PM               Hymn Sing

9:00  PM             Wine & Cheese & Fine Conversation

8:15 AM              Devotions

8:30 AM              Welcome / Recap of Sunday Night

9:00 AM              Keynote: Lori Cornell “Faith Enough for the Broken Places”

10:30 AM              Break

11:00 AM              Putting It All Together

12:00 PM              Lunch

1:30 PM                Keynote: Chad Bird “Wounded Prayers: Relearning the Language of Lament”

3:30 PM                Break

5:30 PM                Dinner

7:00 PM               Eucharistic Worship

8:45 PM               Wine and Cheese and Fine Conversation

8:15 AM            Devotions

8:30 AM           Keynote: David Zahl “Speaking Grace in a World of #GettingReal”

10:00 AM         Break

10:30 AM         Putting It All Together

12:00 PM         Lunch

1:00 PM           Keynote: James Brooks “The Three Rs: Relocation, Reconciliation, Redistribution”

2:30 PM           Break

3:00 PM           Slice of Life: Karen Clapp

4:00 PM           Break

5:45 PM           Dinner

7:00 PM           Broken in America (Panel)

8:45 PM           Evening Devotion

9:00 PM           Wine & Cheese & Fine Conversation

8:15 AM               Devotions

8:30 AM               Slice of Life: Sue Westhorp

10:00 AM             Break

10:30 AM              Mended, and Mending (Panel)

11:30 AM               Lunch / Closing Devotion

Prayer, praise and thanksgiving will be an integral part of our gathering.

We pray that you will join us, and bring a friend.


Crossings offers the following discounts for the 2019 Conference:
Seminary students AND newly-ordained pastors (up to 3 years into first call) are FREE.
First-time attendees are 50% off.

Register Now\n\nThe 2020 International
Crossings Conference
January 26-29, 2020
Our Lady of the Snows Conference Center
Belleville, IL (near St. Louis)\n\n


  • Crossings is a community of welcoming, inquisitive people who want to explore how what we hear at church is useful and beneficial in our daily lives.

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In the early 1970s two seminary professors listened to the plea of some lay Christians. “Can you help us live out our faith in the world of daily work?” they asked. “Can you help us connect Sunday worship with our lives the other six days of the week?”  That is how Crossings was born.


The Crossings Community, Inc. welcomes all people looking for a practice they can carry beyond the walls of their church service and into their daily lives. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, or gender in any policies or programs.

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