Co-Missioners, Today we introduce you, in some cases again, to the Rev. Richard Gahl of Westlake, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. Dick is a good friend of Crossings. He was a featured speaker at our conference in 2010 and in …
Thursday Theology
BlogThursday Theology
The Preacher’s Task: Robert W. Bertram to Lori Cornell (and Every Proclaimer)
by CrossingsCo-Missioners, This coming Sunday, the Second of Advent, will feature St. Luke’s introduction to the ministry of John the Baptist (Lk. 3:1-6). In contrast to his co-evangelists, Luke kickstarts his account with a dramatic rollcall of regional potentates. His point, …
Back on Track: A Refreshed Orientation for Crossings and Thursday Theology Colleagues—or dare I say, Co-Missioners: I’m sticking my neck out here. Readers of Thursday Theology have been greeted 932 times with the first of the above words. Ed Schroeder …