Crossings Conference, Belleville, IL- 1/26/10 Rev. Jukka Kaariainen Not all words are created equal. Some are more important than others. The Christian tradition gives us a rich vocabulary, words such as: salvation, reconciliation, faith, promise, law, Gospel, covenant, sin, …
2010Conference PapersCrossings Library
Participation in and Transformation by the Promise
by BethanyWilliam R. Burrows William R. Burrows, Research Professor of Missiology at New York Theological Seminary, holds a licentiate in theology from the Gregorian University and a PhD in theology from the University of Chicago Divinity School. He has worked in …
Crossings 3rd International Conference Morning Prayer Tuesday, January 26th, 2010 Pr. David P. Schreiber Resurrection Lutheran Church, Indianapolis, IN 20Now among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. 21They came to Philip, who was …
John 19:25b-30 Crossings Third International Conference Crossing the Cross Evening Prayer Monday, January 25, 2010 Rev. Dr. Steven E. Albertin “Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)” by Salvador Dali Several months ago the History Channel had a show on Roman crucifixion. It …
Some thoughts on promissio and missio in academe, and a 21st-century promise-truster’s guide to avoiding a host of false dilemmas that lie between Athens and Jerusalem. Frederick Niedner, Valparaiso University Third International Crossings Conference God’s Promise, Our Mission: Making the …
2010Conference PapersCrossings Library
“Let’s Roll!” The Mission of Christ the Insurgent, A.D. 2010
by BethanyJerome Burce, D.Min., addressing the Third International Crossings Conference Belleville, Illinois 25 January 2010 + In Nomine Jesu + There are two main things I want to do in this hour. First, I want to take up a challenge …
Robert Kolb Readers are asked to excuse the not-quite-polished nature of the essay and notes Martin Luther stood at a point in church history at which he was called to translate the biblical message anew into a different cultural …
2010Conference PapersCrossings Library
Alfa Papa, Bravo Tango, but Charlie Victor: Which Is to Say, The Proper Distinguishing of Law and Gospel Saves the Church (C) from the Two Oldest Heresies (A and B). A Gambit. 1
by Bethany1 Gambit: “A remark made to open or redirect a conversation.” Rev. Marcus Felde, Ph.D. Third International Conference of the Crossings Community Belleville, Illinois, January 2010 1. Everywhere we look we see the church—supposedly one, holy, catholic, and apostolic—divided …