Bibliography of Edward Schroeder

[Items in bold face are on the website]



1. (untitled) [Women Pastors? NO!] Senior paper in religion at Valparaiso University, May 1950.


2. “New Fields of Evangelism.” in Report of The Commission On Evangelism. A Service Project Report of the Association of Lutheran Seminarians. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis MO 1951, p.19f.


3. “Zwischen Universität und Kirche: Lässt die Kirche ihre Theologiestudenten im Stich?” Sonntagsblatt, Nr. 48, 1. Dezember 1957, p.31.


4. “The Theology of the NTR Curriculum [at Valparaiso University],” mimeographed handout, “early 1960s.”

5. “Jewish Messianic Expectation at the Time of Jesus,” mimeographed handout, “late 1950s or early 1960s.”

6. “Jewish Wedding Day Customs,” mimeographed handout, “late 1950s or early 60s.”

7. “Ein theologisches Schuldorf” (Concordia Senior College), Kunst und Kirche, 23:4 (1960), pp. 153-159.

8. “The Job of Un-cursing the World,” Youth Programs, Minneapolis, ALC, etc., Volume 13, n.d., pp.13-16.

9. “It Is A Sin To Tell A Lie: The Eighth Commandment in the Twentieth Century,” n.d. Possibly in response to Sidonie M. Gruenberg, “When Your Child Lies or Steals,” The Gary Post-Tribune Family Weekly, February 28, 1960


10. “The Gospel as the Answer to Youth’s Problems: Vocational.” Official Proceedings, First Annual Conference for Lutheran Workers with Youth, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN, Proceedings, 1961, pp.13-28.

11. “Lord Teach us to Pray.” Nexus, Vol. 2:1 (Nov. 1961).

11a. Walther League Bible Lessons for the Church Year: The Epistle Lessons. Lesson materials written by Youth Leadership Training Program (aka Edward H. Schroeder), Valparaiso University. Published by Walther League, Chicago, Illinois. 200+ pp. n.d. (most likely early 1960s)


12. “C.F.W. Walther on Law and Gospel: Toward a Revival of Lutheran Hermeneutics.” (also segments written by Robert W. Bertram, Paul G. Bretscher, Albert G. Huegli, O.P. Kretzmann, John Strietelmeier). Reprint of “The Orthodox Teacher and the Word of God.” The Cresset 25:5, March, 1962: pp. 4-18.

13. “Vocation: The Christian Life as Calling,” handwritten outline for Gamma Delta, Milwaukee, April 1, 1962. 1963

13a. Doctoral dissertation.”The Relationship Between Dogmatics and Ethics in the Thought of Elert, Barth, and Troeltsch” (U. of Hamburg, Germany) 247pp. [Condensed and published in 1965. see #23 below.]


14. “Suffering.” Presentation at the Lutheran Human Relations Association of America Conference, Valparaiso, IN, 1964. Printed in Proceedings of the 1964 VU Workshop and Institute on Human Relations July 24-26, 1964.

15. “AcceptingMyRoleasAcceptor.”PresentationattheLutheranHumanRelationsAssociationofAmerica Conference, Valparaiso, IN, 1964. Printed in Proceedings of the 1964 VU Workshop and Institute on Human Relations, July 24-26, 1964.

16. “A Theology of Acceptance.” Presentation at the Lutheran Human Relations Association of America Conference, Valparaiso, In., 1964. Printed in Proceedings of the 1964 VU Workshop and Institute on Human Relations, July 24-26, 1964.

17. “The Gospel and Backyard Ecumenism”, Backyard Ecumenism: Proceedings, Fourth Annual Conference of Lutheran Workers With Youth, 1964, pp.40-50.

18. “Being a Lutheran,” typed and handwritten manuscript for Sunday School Teachers Meeting, Hobart, IN, October 4, 1964.


19. “Teaching Theology to the Current College Generation.” Handwritten presentation to the Quad-city Valparaiso University Guild,Bettendorf, IA, January 18, 1965.

20. “Using My Baptism or Just Wasting It? Celebrating The Lord’s Supper or Just Tasting It?” Handwritten presentation to Walther League Retreat of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Wilmette, IL, at Lake Geneva, IL, February 14, 1965.

21. “The Drama of the Church.” Presentation to college students at Indianapolis, August 1, 1965.

22. “The Relation of Other Disciplines to the Study and Teaching of Theology: An Attempt at a Lutheran Perspective.” Presentation at the Workshop for Teachers of Theology and Religion, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, August 22-25, 1965.

23. “The Relationship Between Dogmatics and Ethics in the Thought of Elert, Barth, and Troeltsch”, Concordia Theological Monthly, 36:11, December 1965, pp. 744-771. Mini-version of Doctoral Dissertation (U. of Hamburg, Germany. 1963).

24. “Alienation: a Theological Analysis.” Presentation to Walter Reiner’s Prince of Peace Volunteers, Chicago, February 15/16, 1966. Handwritten. (Attached to Warren Rubel: “Alienation in Modern Literature.” )

24a. “Lectures on Genesis 1-3.” Handwritten notes (session 1 & 2) and full transcript of third session. Deaconess Conference. 1965.

25. “The Study of Christian Theology at Valparaiso University.” Presentation at freshman orientation, Fall 1965.


26. “The Word of God in the Genesis Creation Account.” Nexus, Vol. 6:1 (March 1966).

27. “Is There A Lutheran Hermeneutics?” The Lively Function of the Gospel, R.W. Bertram, ed. St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1966.

28. “Theological Issues in Lutheran Religious Education (vis-a-vis the theological scene in America).” Presentation at Concordia Teachers College, Seward, NE, August 24, 1966.

29. “The Bible in the Life of the Sunday School: The Teacher, The Pupil, The Book.” Presentation to the Sunday School Teachers Institute, Fort Lauderdale Circuit, October 23, 1966.

30. “Reformation Gospel.” The Lutheran Witness. October 1966. p. 258f.

31. “A Biblical Basis for Encounter with the World.” Presentation for DYC (?) Conference, November 9-10, 1966. Partially handwritten.


32. “Five Sermon Studies for the Easter Season,” Concordia Theological Monthly, 38:2, February 1967, pp. 127-136.

33. “The Layman and His Church: A Theological Study.” Proceedings of the Lutheran Academy for Scholarship Nov. 1964 meeting. Later printed in The Layman and The Church, Andrew J. Buehner, ed. The Lutheran Academy for Scholarship, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1967.

33a. Translator with Marie Schroeder of “Christian Humanism,” by Karl Rahner. In: Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol.4:3, Summer 1967, pp. 369-384.

34. Report on the Second National Faith and Order Colloquium, South Bend, IN, June 11-16, 1967, in letter to President O.P. Kretzmann of Valparaiso University, July 24, 1967 (with Kretzmann’s reply).

35. “A Basis for Christian Encounter with the World.” (?) Handwritten presentation to the Eastern District Pastoral Conference, Buffalo, New York, Sept. 19-20, 1967.

36. “The Obedience of Faith.” Presentation at All-Districts Stewardship Conference, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Chicago, IL, November 13-16, 1967. [Recycled at Saginaw Valley, MI, Pastors and Teachers Conference, LC-MS, January 25, 1968.]


37. “Faith, Pacifism, and Political Revolution.” Presentation at unknown venue, Sexagesima 1968.

38. “Some Theses in Response to the Radical Theology of the Semester.” Presentation at Valparaiso University, May 1968. [Recycled at discussion at Bertram’s home in St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1969.]

39. “Theistic Evidences in Contemporary Protestant Theology.” Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Vol. 23; Washington D.C. (June 17-20, 1968), pp. 45-53.

40. “Response to Theme Essay”, in Theology and Social Welfare: Redemption and Good Works, A.J. Buehner, ed. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship, 1968, pp. 50-56.


41. “The Doctrine De Ecclesia in an Ecumenical Age – Some Contemporary Formulations in Systematic Theology.” Presentation to

NE Indiana Pastors and Teachers Conference, Fort Wayne, IN, February 10, 1969. [Recycled as “Some Models of Contemporary Ecclesiology” for Seminar – Architecture for the Changing Church, Concordia Senior College, August 18, 1969.]

42. “Demythologization, Theologia Crucis, and Christ’s Virgin Birth.” Presentation at Joint Meeting of Exegetical and Systematic Departments, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 7, 1969.

43. “Current Social Issues Facing the Church.” Six Presentations at Seventh Summer Institute for Pastors, Concordia Collegiate Institute, Bronxville, NY, June 9-11, 1969. Handwritten.

44. “The Public Professional Ministry of Women in the Church of Jesus Christ”, The Lutheran Deaconess, 46:3, Fall 1969, pp. 3-4. Reprinted under the title: “The Role of Women in the Church of Jesus Christ.” Advance, Vol. 17:7 (Oct 1970), pp. 10-12.

45. “Five Points in Medical Ethics.” Presentation to Valparaiso University Pre-Medical Society, November 11, 1969. 46. “Theology: Discipline or Discipleship.” Presentation at Concordia Senior College Convocation, November 19, 1969.


47. “Family Ethos in the Light of the Reformation”, in Family Relationships and the Church, O.E. Feucht, ed. St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1970, pp. 99-118.

48. “A Lutheran Critique of Theology of Revolution.” Pro Seminar Lecture Outline, January 8, 1970.

49. “Models for Ministry in a Secular Age.” Four presentations at Sierra-Nevada Pastoral Conference, California, January 27-29, 1970.

50. “9.5 Theses Toward a Theology of Creativity.” Presentation to Valparaiso University Christ College class: Drama and the Church, May 18, 1970.

51. “The Role of Women in the Church of Jesus Christ,” [reprint from The Lutheran Deaconess], in Advance, Vol.17:7, October 1970.


52. “An Argument for Academic Theology at VU.” The Torch, Vol. 63:20. Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind. Jan. 29, 1971, p.2

53. “One Covenant or Two? An Interview with Dr. Edward Schroeder and Dr. Theodore Ludwig.” The Lighter, Student Journal of Valparaiso University, Indiana, May 1971.

54. “A Program for Study of Confessional Theology.” Presentation at Southern Illinois District, LC—MS, Lower Kaskaskia Region, December 6, 1971.


55. “The Impact of Humanism on Protestantism.” Presentation to the Ethical Society of St. Louis, undated [marked “sometime in 1972-73.”]

56. “The Orders of Creation—Some Reflections on the History and Place of the Term in Systematic Theology.” Concordia Theological Monthly, 43:3 (March, 1972): pp. 165-178.

57. “Law-Gospel Reductionism in the History of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.” Concordia Theological Monthly, 43:4, April 1972, pp. 232-247.

58. “Encountering The Last Enemy”, Dialog 11 (Summer, 1972) pp. 190-194.

59. “The Praxis of the Forgiveness of Sins: A Response to the Fact-Finders’ Report of the Concordia Seminary Faculty.” LC–MS Pastors Conference, Thief River Falls, MN, September 11, 1972.

60. “Gospel Reductionism: Some Theses for Comment and Discussion.” Two presentations at the Missouri Forward group of the LC–MS Northern Illinois District, River Forest and Broadview, IL, October 8-9, 1972.


61. “Is There a Lutheran Hermeneutics?” From The Lively Function of the Gospel, in The Caemmerer Festschrift, St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1966, pp. 81-97. Later published in The Promising Tradition: A Reader in Law-Gospel Reconstructionist Theology, Edward H. Schroeder, ed., St. Louis, MO, 1973

62. “Family Ethos in the Light of the Reformation.” Family Relationships and the Church, Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, 1970, later published in The Promising Tradition: A Reader in Law-Gospel Reconstructionist Theology, Edward Schroeder, ed., St. Louis, MO, 1973.

62a. The Promising Tradition: A Reader in Law-Gospel Reconstructionist Theology. Edward H. Schroeder, ed. First Edition. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO, Trinity VII, 1973. Second Edition (expanded), Advent 1974.

63. “Dear Christians Rejoice” Advent Hymn, Edward & Marie Schroeder, tr. n.d.

64. “The Quality Life in Christian Perspective.” Presentation to LC–MS Central IL District Pastoral Conference, May 7-8, 1973.

65. “What Lutherans Confess.” A course for the Lay School of Theology, LC–MS Southeastern District, Jefferson, MD, September and November, 1973. [Repeated September and November, 1974 in Charlotte, NC.] [Repeated for Southeastern District, Rehoboth Beach, DE, October-November, 1975.] [Repeated for Washington North Circuit of the Southeastern District LC–MS, September-
November, 1979.]

66. Critique of President Preus’ “A Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principles.” Presentation to LC–MS Northern IL District Pastoral Conference, October 16-17, 1973.


67. “Matters of Life and Death” (High School Bible Class Course), St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1974.

68. “Confession of Faith.” Faithful to Our Calling, Faithful to Our Lord, vol. II, pp. 126-128.
Volume I (same title) co-authored with Norm Habel, edited by the Faculty of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Concordia Seminary, 1974. Personal faith statement in Vol. II.

69. “The Search for Certainty in America Today.” Presentation at Lyceum Convocation, Concordia Teachers College, Seward, NE, April 22, 1974.


70. “Seminex, One Year Later.” Presentation to ELIM group, Ft. Wayne, IN, January 1975.

71. “Current Implications of the ‘We Condemn’ Statements in the Lutheran Confessions”, Currents in Theology and Mission. Vol. 2:1 (Feb. 1975), pp. 5-9.

72. “Responsible Theological Education”, In Touch, 2:6, February 1975, pp. 5-8. Reprinted in Seminar in Exile, 6:2, April 18, 1975, pp. 3-9.

73. “……Now About the Risks Involved….” Interaction, Vol. 16:3 (March 1975). pp. 2-5.

74. “The Ministry of Forgiveness.” Seven sessions for Adult Education, Webster Groves Presbyterian Church, April 27 – June 8, 1975. [One session repeated at Hope Presbyterian Church, Collinsville, IL, December 18, 1977.]

75. “Historical-Critical Method and Law-Gospel Reductionism.” Series of Presentations to the Rochester Circuit of the Minnesota South District of the LC–MS, August 4-10, 1975.

76. “Death and Dying”, Program of Education for Responsible Christian Action (PERCA), ELIM Division of Interpretation and Communication, 1975. Student Guide and Leader’s Guide.


77. “Current Ethical Problems and the New Testament.” Five sessions for Seminex continuing education, Belleville, IL, January- February, 1976.

78. “Where on Earth are the Heavenly Places?” Interaction Vol. 17:2 (Feb. 1976) pp. 3 & 30.

79. “The Mis-Statement of the Preus Statement.” Original ms. of a later ELIM publication, possibly for an ELIM assembly, February 23, 1976.

80. “The Ministry of Forgiveness: Select Texts from Matthew’s Gospel.” Seven Adult Education sessions at Bonhomme Presbyterian Church, Chesterfield, MO, March 7 – April 11, 1976.

80a. “The Church and Power: The History of the Free Loser.” Bethel Lutheran Bible Class, University City, MO, June 1976.
81. “Evangelization: A Lutheran Perspective.” Presentation to the Adorers of the Precious Blood Sisters at Ruma, IL, July, 1976.
82. Report on Seminex. LC—MS Eastern District Convention, St. Bonaventure University, Olney, NY, June 25-27, 1976

83. “Whose Church Is It? – Receiving Women Pastors.” 1976 ELIM Assembly (Abbreviated Text) August 19, 1976.

84. “The Ethics of the New Age.” Six sessions at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church, April-May, 1976.[Recycled at Bethel Lutheran Church Bible Class, University City, MO, October 1976.]

85. “Luke’s Gospel Through a Systematician’s Lens.” Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 3:6 (December 1976) pp. 337-346.

86. “Seminex:Exile—LoveIt.Don’tLeaveIt.”Strivings, Vol.1:2(April,1977)

87. “The Lively Use of the Risen Lord in the Theology of the Cross.” Presentation to the LC—MS California-Nevada District

Pastoral lConference, Modesto, CA, April 19-21, 1977.

88. “Encountering the Last Enemy.” Seven sessions for the Webster Groves Presbyterian Church, Webster Groves, MO, April 24- June 5, 1977.

89. “Life in Freedom: A Study of Galatians.” Bethel Lutheran Church Bible Class, June, 1977. [Repeated at Bonhomme Presbyterian Church, Chesterfield, MO, October-November 1977.

90. “Who Me?” The Lutheran Independent, Rev. Frank J. Leonard, ed., Issue #4 (September, 1977). [Recycled and revised as “’Legalism’ in the AELC? How Could it Happen?” Missouri in Perspective, May 22, 1978, p.9.]


91. “The Apostles Creed According to the Small Catechism of Luther.” Presentation for Bethel Lutheran Church Bible Class, University City, MO, January 22, 1978.

92. “World Hunger and God’s Mercy.” Presentation at Bread for the World Seminar, St. Mary’s Seminary, Perryville, MO, January 14, 1978.

93. Theological Evaluation of two manuals from Congregations Organizing for Mission Endeavor (COME – Herbert Mayer), 29 pp. February 10, 1978.

94. “We Live in Story.” Presentation to Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Creve Coeur, MO, Sunday School Teachers, April 14, 1978.

95. “Using the Doctrine of Original Sin in Pastoral Care.” Presentation to Kenneth Siess’s CPE program at the University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis, MN, June 19-July 28, 1978.


96. “The Augsburg Confession: A Six-Part Study Plan for Use in the Christian Congregation.” Presented to St. John’s Lutheran

Church Bible Class, Ocean City, NJ, February-April 1979.

97. “Luther’s Catechism(s) (Large and/or Small): A Six-Part Study Plan for Use in the Christian Congregation.” Note: Audience and venue unknown. 1979.

98. “Key Biblical Texts of the Reformers.” Bethel Lutheran Church Bible Class, University City, MO, September-October, 1979.

99. “Using the Bible and the Resources of Faith in Hunger Advocacy.” Bread for the World Seminar, Luther Memorial Church, Richmond Heights, MO, Oct. 3, 1979.

100. “Korean Seminex,” The Christian Century, 96-41, December 12, 1979, pp. 1243-1245.


101. “The Theology of the Cross in Some Lent/Easter Texts for A.D. 1980.” Presentations at School for Ministry, Ann Arbor, MI, Feb. 3-4, 1980.

102. Letter to the Editor, “Ubi Ecclesia?” Response to articles in AELC Foreword Vol.1:10, January 1980. In AELC Foreword, February 1980.

103. “Theology of the Cross.” Six presentations during Lent for Adult Education at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church, repeated at Bonhomme Presbyterian Church, Chesterfield, MO, 1980.

104. “What Lutherans Confess.” Presentation at Bethel Lutheran Church Bible Class, University City, MO, June 8, 1980.

105. “Apocalypse Now.” Together, 6:3, June 1980, pp. 8-10.

106. “Left Hand, Right Hand Kingdoms.” AELC Foreword, Vol. 2:5, August 1980.

107. “The Word of God in the Lutheran Confessions.” Presentation in Kalamazoo, MI, Lutheran / Episcopal / Roman Catholic Dialogue, October 1, 1980.

108. “The Meaning and Function of Authority for Christian Ethics,” Presentation at Eden Seminary, Festival of Scripture and Theology, in Panel Discussion on “Sources of Authority and Moral Responsibility.” November 17, 1980.

109. Text Studies in Preaching Helps. Vol.7:2, March 1980. Vol.8:3, May 1981. Vol.9:2, March 1982. Vol.9:3, May 1982.


110. “That’s the Story of My Life.” Seven Sessions for Senior High Class at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church, Webster Groves, MO, January-February 1981.

111. “The Third Article of the Creed.” Four sessions, Bible Class at Atonement Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MO, October 1981. 112. Response to Lutheran Seminary Presidents and Deans. Seminex Faculty Forum, December 8, 1981.


113. “Theology of the Cross and Theology in Context.” Unknown venue, unknown audience. January 1982.

114. “Uncommon Ideas from Common Asian Christians.” Concurrent presentations at First Presbyterian Church, Ferguson, MO; Bonhomme Presbyterian Church, Chesterfield, MO; and First Christian Church, Edwardsville, IL, April-May, 1982.


114a. “Asian / African Theology.” Seminex Syllabus. Spring Semester, 1983.

114b. “A response to Morris Inch’s Presentation: An Evangelical Approach to Biblical Authority.” In: The Covenant Quarterly: Lutheran-Conservative Evangelical Dialogue, Vol.XLI:3, August 1983, pp.96-99.


115. “Baptism and Confession.” [Paper delivered at “Luther and Baptism” Convocation, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, OH, November 1-2, 1983.] Trinity Seminary Review, Vol. 6, Number 1 (Spring 1984).

116. “Theological Reflections on Artificial Intelligence.” Proceedings of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology [ITEST] Conference, St. Louis, MO, 1984.

117. “Theological Perspectives on Max Beckmann: Christian” Presentation, St. Louis Art Museum. September 13, 1984.

118. The Miller Lectures, Valparaiso University, Oct. 23-24, 1984: “Luther and the Liberation of the Laity.”

119. “Lessons for Westerners from African Christologies.” Presentation at American Society of Missiology Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, NY, June 23, 1984. [Revised and expanded in the item below.]


120. “Lessons for Western Christians from Two African Christologies [Gabriel Setiloane and John Pobee].” Paper presented at Intl. Assn. For Mission Studies [IAMS] Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1985. [Edited and reduced in the item below.]

121. “Lessons for Westerners from Setiloane’s Christology”, published in the Mission Studies of the IAMS conference in Harare, Zimbabwe, 1985. (Can’t verify)

122. “Lutherans in Ecumenical Dialogue.” Report (co-authored with Donald Huber) on Lutheran-Conservative/Evangelical Dialogue, for Lutheran Council in the USA, Division of Theological Studies, February 1985.

123. “Presentation on Theses 3, 6, & 8.” Lutheran Council in the USA “Free Conference on Reception,” responding to Rahner/ Fries’s book, Unity of the churches–an actual possibility (Fortress Press, 1985). Techny, IL, April 16-18, 1985. [15pp.]

124. “Learning About South Africa.” Focus on People in Mission, Partners in Mission, Vol. 8:3, September 21, 1985, p.4.

125. “End Time.” Essay for English Synod Professional Workers Conference, October 8-10, 1985.


126. “The Lord’s Supper in the Dialogues — A Horizontal Look [at US Lutheran Dialogues with Episcopalians, Roman Catholics,

and Reformed Theologians].” Prepared for Lutheran Council in the USA, January 10, 1986.

127. “Issues Confronting the ELCA.” Presentation: American Lutheran Church Pastoral Conference, Medora, ND, September 8-9, 1986.

127a. “Pericopic Preaching – Crossings Style.” Venue unknown. Nov. 13, 1986.

128. Lengthy letter to the Editor of Lutheran Perspective challenging editorial excoriating Pittsburgh DMS action at ELCA convention, November 24, 1986.


129. “A Time for Confessing Is a Time for Liberating.” Currents in Theology & Mission, 14:2 (April, 1987) pp. 85-93.


129a. Six Lectures on Luther’s Concept and Practice of Spirituality. Delivered twice: Center for Christian Research, Taipei, Taiwan; Chinese Church Research Center, Hong Kong. May 2-26, 1988.


130. “Carl Graesser on Isaiah 42,” Recorded/transcribed interview. March 29, 1989.

131. “Branch of Jesse” Anniv. Booklet (75th)- Bethel Lutheran Church (University City MO) June 25, 1989.


132. “Korean Women Search for Silver Coin.” The Christian Century. May 2, 1990. p 452f.

133. “Lutheran Theological Foundations for Social Ethics.” LWF Documentation, No. 29, December 1990, pp.15-22.


134. “Thankfulness: An Apostolic Afterthought?” Lutheran Woman Today (Sept. 1991), pp. 5-8.

135. “Laity in Ministry to the World: God’s Secret Weapon for Reforming the Church and the World,” Presentation to the Ministerial Association of Salt Lake City, Utah. March 4, 1991.

136. Translation of Elert’s chapter on Freedom from The Christian Ethos


137. “A Whole New Work: Lutheran Images of the People of God in Creation.” Presentation: St. Luke’s Lutheran Church (Chicago) April 24, 1992.

138. “Christian Freedom, Its Grounds and Value for Christian Life at the Close of the 20th Century.” Presentation at Kobe Theological Seminary, Japan, June 4, 1992.


139. “Encountering the Hidden God.” AREOPAGUS- A Living Encounter with Today’s Religious World, Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre, Hong Kong, Pentecost 1993.


140. “Relocating Authority: A Perennial Family Issue.” The Changing Face of the Family, Adelaide, Australia, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute, 1994, DBI Study Booklet No. 20: 54- 58.

140a.”The Ecclesiology of the Augsburg Confession and the Apology.” Class-handout. Luther Seminary. Adelaide, Australia. March 10, 1994.

141. “Pastoral Theology in the Augsburg Confession.” Presentation for South Australia District (LCA) Pastoral Conference at Greenock, South Australia, March 16, 1994.

142. Two presentations at LCA New South Wales District Pastors’ Conference, March 17-18, 1994.

143. “Why I am a Lutheran.” Presentation at Martin Luther Seminary, Lae, Papua New Guinea, April 27, 1994.

144. Crossings Presentations at Martin Luther Seminary, Lae, Papua New Guinea, April 16-30, 1994.

145. “Living the Faith in Exile: Clues from First Peter.” Banquet Address at Lutherans for Life, Adelaide, Australia, May 28, 1994.

146. “A Case From AC 28 For Women in the Pastoral Office Today.” Luther Seminary (Adelaide, Australia) Faculty Forum Presentation, June 1, 1994.

147. Open Letter to Seminarians at Luther Seminary, Adelaide, Australia, June 13, 1994.

148. “Who Suffers in the Trinity? Theopaschitism in Theology.” Presentation at St. George’s Episcopal Church, Adelaide, Australia, July 1, 1994.

149. “Luther’s Catechism and the New Testament.” Eleven sessions at an in-service seminar with LCA Pastors and Evangelists (Aborigines) under the open sky near Kiwirrkurra, Western Australia, July 11-14, 1994.

149a. “Bad News, Good News in the N.T.” Guest Lecture in Rolf Mayer’s class Biblical Foundations: New Testament.” August 26, 1994.

150. Presentations at Luther Seminary Community Retreat, Luther Seminary, Adelaide, Australia, September 21, 1994.

151. “From the Murray to the Mississippi (and Vice Versa). A Sequel?” Luther Seminary (Adelaide, Australia) Faculty Forum, November 2, 1994.

151a. Fourteen one-page Bible studies, most likely for Lutheran Church of Australia publication, probably 1994.


152. “Charismatic Pneumatology.” A response to the charismatic movement at the Mekane Yesus Seminary, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 17, 1995.

153. “Tolerance, Yes. But Some Things God Tolerates Only So Long.” One of several Bible Studies for PRISM (LCA publication for Sunday School teachers), 1995.


154. “A Forty-Day Journey through Lent–But Never Alone: Our Own Thorny Circle of Suffering and Christ’s Breakthrough.” Lenten Devotional Booklet, Creative Communications for the Parish, St. Louis, Missouri, 1996.

155. “Today in the Church Year: The Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple.” Presentation for LMA Staff Study Session, February 2, 1996.

156. “God’s two Diaconias in II Corinthians 3-6. A Paradigm for Medical Missions with a Lutheran Accent.” Presentation at 2nd annual convention of Lutheran in Medical Missions. Concordia University, River Forest IL. March 8, 1996.

157. “Law-Gospel Lutheranism and the Theology of Michael Fox.” A letter to Elmer Witt, Holden Village Director, April 5, 1996.

158. “It’s Legalism, Nor Gnosticism.” Forum Letter. September 1996. p 4f.

159. “Why Jesus?” Five day Seminar at Holden Village, Chelan, WA. Sept. 4-8, 1996.

159a. “Pluralism’s Question to Christian Missions: Why Jesus At All? Clues for an Answer from St. Paul’s ‘two-ministries’ Theology.” [Two versions: second version says “…from St. Paul’s economic theology.”] Unknown venues, October 3 and 5, 1996.

160. “Being a Christian at the Voting Booth on Tuesday.” Presentation for Adult Forum, St. Mark Lutheran Church, Belleville, IL, Nov. 3, 1996.


161. “Luther’s Commentary on the Third Article as a Clue to His Theology of Other Religions,” Luther Research Congress, Heidelberg University, Germany, August 17- 23, 1997. Revised and published in Missio Apostolica, Journal of the Luth. Society for Missiology. VII:1 (May 1999) pp. 4-10.


162. “Even Rome Can be Home, but . . . . Should today’s Augsburg Catholics Long to Go There? Not Really.” Response to May 1998 issue of Lutheran Forum.


163. “The Care and Redemption of God’s Creation.” Also titled “God’s Two Projects in the One World: Care and Redemption: Capitalizing on the Image of God as Ambidextrous: A Proposal for using Luther’s Two Kingdoms Theology in Daily Life.” An essay presented to the Lutheran Professional Church Workers Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, March 11, 1999.

164. “Pluralism’s Question to Christian Missions: Why Jesus at All?” Currents in Theology and Mission, vol. 26, No. 3 (June, 1999): pp. 164-170.

165. A Presentation for the Seminar: “Outside the Church No Salvation”, Revised & published in Missio Apostolica, Journal of the Lutheran Society for Missiology, VII:1 (May 1999): pp.4-10.

166. “Some Reflections on the Theology of Bishop I Wayan Mastra.” A letter to Bishop Wayan Mastra, Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia, September 28, 1999.


167. “The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel.” Presentation @ Mekane Yesus Seminary, Addis Ababa. March 6-7, 2000. DUPLICATE OF 169 BELOW.

168. “Christological Difficulties at IAMS 10.” An Evaluation of the International Association For Mission Studies Conference in Pretoria, South Africa, January 21-28, 2000.

169. “The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel.” Guest Lecture at Mekane Yesus Seminary, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 6-7, 2000.

170. “Four Sessions on Lutheranism – Its Theology and Praxis – at Ladue Chapel.” Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, MO, April-May 2000.

170a. “Christology.” Lecture at some Episcopal venue, most likely in St. Louis? October 21, 2000.


171. “Laity in Ministry to the World: God’s Secret Weapon for Reforming the Church and the World.” Presentation at Salt Lake Ministerial Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, (March 4, 1991). Printed in Crossings Newsletter, A Tribute Edition, 2001.

172. Rerun of “Why Jesus?” seminar, six sessions, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, MO, February-March 2001.

173. “Mission: Inside Out.” Three presentations to ELCA Region One Pastoral Conference, Empress Hotel, Victoria, B.C., Canada, April 23-26, 2001.

174. “Death and Dying: Faithful Perspectives.” Presentation to Medical Professionals at Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL, June 28, 2001.

175. “Martin Luther on Human Will, Human Freedom.” Presentation to Rationalists Society of St. Louis, July 21, 2001.

176. “Discussion Theses” for Lutherans Concerned, St. Louis Chapter, August 12, 2001.

177. “Lutheran Missiology – An Oxymoron? Maybe Not – Especially, Not Now.” Presentation at ELCA Mission “Faculty” Meeting, Rosemont, IL, September 21-22, 2001.

178. “The Workplace as Mission Field.” Six sessions in Adult Education at Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, MO, September-October 2001.

179. “ReformationResources:Law/PromiseHermeneuticsandtheGodlySecularityofSex.”Presentation at the SW Minnesota Synod – ELCA Fall Theology Conference, Assisi Heights, Rochester, MN, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2001.


180. “Making Sense of the Gospel in a Secular World.” Presentation for Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, CT, January 8, 2002.

181. “Spirituality in Proclamation.” Three presentations at NW Ohio Synod (ELCA) Retreat, Sawmill Creek Resort, Huron, OH, January 15-17, 2002.

182. “Luther’s Theology of Mission.” Presentation at Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, CT, March 2002.

183. Response to Maryknoll Mission Institute on “Christian Mission: What Can We Learn From Wisdom Traditions?” March 17, 2002.

184. “Rebirth, Regeneration.” Handout for Bible Class at St. John’s Episcopal Church, March 17, 2002.

185. “In A World Of Faiths, Why Jesus?” First Run of a Weeklong Course at Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, CT, April 15-19, 2002.

186. “A Strange New Time – How Strange, Really? How New?” Presentation for A Workshop for Clergy and Laity, Acton Congregational Church, Acton, MA, April 24, 2002.

186a. “Luther’s Theology of Mission. A presentation for the SALT consultation – ‘Setting Agendas for Lutheran Theology,’” St. Louis MO April 26-28, 2002.

187. “Lutheran Hermeneutics and Homosexuality.” Presentation to Lutheran Pastoral Conference, New Haven, CT, May 9, 2002.

188. “Mosaic and Christic Ethos in the Gospel of John.” Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 29:3 (June, 2002).

189. “Using Luther’s Concept of Deus absconditus for Christian Mission to Muslims,” Presentation at the International Luther Research Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 4-9, 2002, Seminar: Luther’s Writings on the Turks.

189a. Response to Willingen II (2002), The 50th Anniversary Congress on “Missio Dei” [Latin for “God’s Own Mission.”] Thursday Theology #220, Aug. 29, 2002.

190. Response to “Mission and Evangelism: Definitions for Disscussion.” (ELCA) Lutheran Missiologists’ Meeting, Chicago, September 6-7, 2002. Handwritten.

191. “In a World of Many Faiths, Why Jesus?” Four-session Adult Bible Class, Christ Lutheran Church, Webster Groves, MO, November, 2002.

192. “Why Jesus?” Two sessions for Bethel Lutheran Church Bible Class, University City, MO, December 22 & 29, 2002.


193. “Some Thoughts on Mission Drawn from Luther and the Lutheran Confessions.” Presentation at Aarhus University, Denmark, Conference on “The Role of Mission in the Future of Lutheran Theology,” January 15-16, 2003.

194. “Law-Promise Hermeneutics, Lutheranism’s Core Charism – For Every Context. Case Study: Mission Theology.” Presentation to University of Aarhus, Denmark, Conference on The Future of Lutheran Theology: Charisms & Contexts. January 16-29, 2003.

195. “In a World of Faiths, Why Jesus?” Four Sessions, Mission Colloquium with Victor Raj and LC–MS Mission Personnel, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO, January-February 2003. Repeated at Bishop’s Theological Conference for Professional Leaders, SE Michigan Synod, ELCA, February 1-3, 2004.

196. “Luther’s Theology of the Cross.” Presentation at Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, IL, February 8, 2003.

196a. “Contra J. Mattam.” His essay “Inculturated Evangelization and Conversion.” For: Theology Today Friday Noon Seminar, September 26, 2003.

197. “The Reformation Aha! In Today’s World.” Three sessions at the Reformation Colloquium at Inter-Lutheran Council for Continuing Education, Woodlands Conference Center, Florida, October 28-29, 2003.


198. Revised Schroeder Version of the LCMS Mission Affirmations of 1965. Jan. 27, 2004.

198a. “The Word of God: Lutheran Hermeneutics For Our Day.” SE Michigan Synod (ELCA), Bishop’s Theological Conference for Professional Leaders. Three sessions: “The Reformation Aha! For How to Read the Bible; The Reformation Aha! For How to Read the World; Using the Bible-Aha! For Reading Homosexuality.” February 1-2, 2004.

199. “The Cross for the Modern World.” Two Lenten lectures at Queenstown Lutheran Church, Singapore, March 24 & March 31, 2004.

200. “Lutheran Confessional Theology.” Weekly seminar with pastors of the Lutheran Church of Singapore. Four sessions on Lutheran hermeneutics, four sessions on the Book of Concord. March-April 2004.

201. “Lutheran Distinctives.” Thursday seminar sessions with Lutheran students at Trinity Theological College, Singapore, March- April 2004.

202. “Discipleship and Spirituality According to Luther’s Catechism.” Presentation to Jurong Christian Church, Singapore, March 25-26, 2004. [Edited and published in Indonesian in Festschrift for Armencius Munthe, Anugerah Tuhan Yang Tak Terhingga. Medan, Indonesia. 2004. pp 162-169.]

203. “Baptism.” Response to Fredric Lee about Alpha Course statement. Singapore, April 10, 2004.

204. “Suffering.” “Discipleship using Luther’s Catechism,” “Effective Pastoral Ministry,” “Luther’s The Freedom of a Christian,” “How God Causes the Church to Grow.” Five presentations for Luth. Church of the Redeemer, Singapore. April 13 – 22, 2004.

205. “Living as Easter People – In Freedom, In Hope” two presentations for Queenstown Luth. Church, Singapore. April 21 & 28, 2004.

206. “A Biblical Study (mostly from Matthew) on Authority in the Church.” Presentation to Lutheran Church of Singapore Council Members Fellowship, May 8, 2004.

207. “Lutheran Spirituality According to Luther’s Small Catechism.” Presentation at the Spiritual Retreat with Singapore Lutheran Pastors across the Straits in Malaysia, May 17-18, 2004.

208. “Deconstructing Missio Dei – ‘in the Light of the Gospel.’” Presentation at International Association For Mission Studies, Balaton, Hungary, August, 2004.

209. “Mission in Asian Contexts from a Lutheran Perspective.” Week-long LWF seminar (five sessions) at Sabah Theological Seminary, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, August 9-15, 2004.

209a. “ An Elephant in the Living Room.” Posting to IAMS XI Participants: Some Thoughts about IAMS Eleven, Port Dickson, Malaysia, July 31-August 7, 2004. Email sent on August 28, 2004.

210. “Resolving the Life-Faith Tension Through the Crossings Movement.” Interview reported in The Christian Press Korean- language newspaper, Seoul, Korea, September 6, 2004.

211. “A Review of Reformation Theology.” Four sessions at Peace Lutheran Church Adult Bible Class, Belleville, IL, October 2004.

212. “Mission in Today’s Global Contexts…From A Lutheran Perspective.” Presentation to ELCA Pastoral Conference, Altamont, IL, October 28, 2004.

213. “In a World of Many Faiths, Why Jesus?” Bible Studies for Trinity Lutheran Church, Town & Country, MO. October- November, 2004.

214. “Some Thoughts about Vision Statements for the Lutheran Church in Singapore.”

215. “Global Mission Volunteering with the Lutheran Church in Singapore.” Report to Global Mission execs of ELCA. June 29, 2004


216. “Lutheran Answers for ‘How to…?’ Questions: What Difference These Answers Make for Congregational Life.” Three sessions at Pacific Hills Lutheran Church, Omaha, NE, April 9-10, 2005.

217. “Why Lutheran (at all)? And Why Now?” Presentation to Central/Southern Illinois Synod (ELCA) Conference Assembly, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Bloomington, IL, April 17, 2005.

218. “Luther’s 95 Theses – What Was That All About?” Adult Class, Trinity Lutheran Church, Town & Country, MO, October 30, 2005.

219. “Pentecost.” Short presentation to Lutheran Campus Ministry Reformation Service, Graham Chapel, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, October 30, 2005.

219a. “Luther’s 95 Theses – What Was That All About?” Presentation to Pauline Pearson’s Roman Catholic parish in North St. Louis Country, Oct. 31, 2005.

220. “Luther as Mission Theologian: 9.5 Theses.” Presentation at the Forum of Lutheran Clergy of Metro St. Louis, University Club Tower, Brentwood, MO, October 31, 2005.

220a. “Philip Jenkins’ Global Christianity Viewed Through Luther’s Lenses.” Unknown venue, December 5, 2005.


221. “A Second Look at the Gospel of Mark — Midway in the Year of Mark,” Currents in Theology and Mission, 33:4 (August 2006), pp. 291-299.


222. “The Word of God and Daily Work.” “Old-fashioned” Crossings weekend workshop with the church council of Zion Lutheran Church, York, PA, March 2-4, 2007.

223. Reflections on Dan Finucane’s (SLU) and Deborah Krause’s (Eden Seminary) sessions. Presentation to Bethel Lutheran Church Adult Forum, University City, MO, October 21 and 28, 2007.


224. “Foreword” in R. W. Bertram, A Time For Confessing, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, pp. vii-xv.

225. “The Doctrine of Atonement.” Discussion with Students at Lutheran Campus Ministry House, University City, MO, March 31, 2008.

226. “Luther a Mission Theologian? Yes, Indeed. Reconciliation at the Center of his Mission Theology.” Presentation at IAMS 12, Ballatonfured, Hungary, August 16-23, 2008.

227. Mission Report for summer in Europe. Three sessions for Adult Forum, Bethel Lutheran Church, University City, MO, September 2008.

228. “A Vademecum for ‘RWBertram: A Time for Confessing.’” Presentation at Crossings Conference, Belleville, IL, October 19-22, 2008.


229. “Our Common Connundrum: Reading the Bible in Mission to the World.” Presentation to ELCA Conference, Cleveland, OH, March 5, 2009.

230. “Lutheranism’s Crying Need: A Mission Theology for the 21st Century: Luther’s Own Mission Theology— Contemporary Lutheranism’s Best-Kept Secret.” A contribution to the LWF conference at Augsburg, Germany, March 26-31, 2009.

230a. “Conversations [with] Edward H. Schroeder.” Missiology: An International Review, Vol.XXXVII:2, April 2009.


231. “Favorite Scriptural Texts of the Reformers.” Three sessions for Adult Forum of Bethel Lutheran Church, University City, MO, September 11-25, 2011.


232. “Some Reflections on the Book of Job.” Presentation to Bible Class at Grace Lutheran Church, Ukiah, CA, March 8, 2012.

233. “The Double Diaconate: God’s Two Diakonias in II Corinthians 3:6.” Presentation to Lutheran Deaconess Conference, July 9, 2012.

[Total = 256 with “a” addenda included.]






1. Review of Christian Ethics, by Georgia Harkness. Abingdon. The Cresset, January 1958, p.19.

2. Review of Luther in Protestantism Today, by Merle William Boyer. Association Press. The Cresset, May 1958, p.23.

3. Review of: The Bible Was My Treasure Map, by Paul Ilten; Samaria, The Capital of The Kingdom of Israel and Babylon and the Old Testament from Studies in Biblical Archaeology No. 7-8. The Cresset, September 1960.

4. Review of A Short History of Christianity, by Martin E. Marty. In The Cresset, October 1960, p.22-24.

5. Article-length review of Karl Barth’s The Humanity of God. The Cresset, December 1960.

6. Review of Messages From God’s Word, by Hanns Lilje, Augsburg. The Cresset, May 1962, p.21.

7. ”Bible and Babylon,” book review of The Corinthian Church: A Biblical Approach to Urban Culture by William Baird. The Cresset, February 1966, p.22f.

8. “A Dogmatics That Makes Sense,” article-length book review of Creation and Redemption by Regin Prenter. The Cresset, Sept. 1967, p.24f.

9. Article-length book review of Theology and the Church in the University, by Julian W. Hartt. The Cresset, date unknown.

10. Review of Nun, Witch, Playmate: The Americanization of Sex, by Herbert W. Richardson. Harper & Row. Lutheran Forum, December, 1971, p.25-26.

11. Review of A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics and Salvation, by Gustavo Gutierrez, tr. By Caridad Inda and John Eagleson. Orbis Press, 1973. In CTM, Vol.XLIV:4, September 1973, p.318-319.

12. Review of The Radical Nature of Christianity, by Waldo J. Werning. In Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol.3:1, February, 1976, p.62-64.

13. Review of Bread for the World, by Arthur Simon. Paulist Press and Eerdmans, 1975. In Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 3, 1976, p.113.

14. Review of A Processive World View for Pragmatic Christians, by Joseph T. Culliton. NY Philosophical Library, 1975. In Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 3, 1976, p.189-190.

15.“Ethics for Social Engagement.” Review of On Being Human Religiously: Selected Essays in Religion And Society, by James Luther Adams, edited by Max L. Stackhouse. Beacon Press, 1976. Vanguard, November 1978, p.3.

16. Review of The Evangelical Faith. Volume 2: The Doctrine of God and of Christ, by Helmut Thielicke, edited by Geoffrey Bromiley. Eerdmans. The Christian Century, November 15, 1978, p.1116-1117.

17. Review of Notwendigkeit und Begrenzung des Politischen Auftrags der Kirche, by Helmut Thielicke. J.C.B.Mohr, 1974. In Religious Studies Review, Vol.5:1, January 1979, p.75-76.

18. Review of Time Toward Home, by Richard J. Neuhaus. Seabury Press, 1975. In Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 6:1, February 1979, p.23-25. Neuhaus response: p.26.

19. Article-length review of Blessed Rage for Order by David Tracy, in Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol.6:2, April 1979.

20. Review of Two Kingdoms and One World: A Sourcebook in Christian Social Ethics, ed. By Karl H. Hertz. Augsburg, 1976. In: Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 6:3, June 1979, p.172-174.

21. Article-length review of The Historical-Critical Method, by Edgar Krentz. In Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 6, No. 5, October 1979, p.307f.

22. Review of The Church – Maintained in Truth, by Hans Küng. Seabury. In Christian Century, September 24, 1980, p.889.

23. Review of: The Ordination of Women by Paul K. Jewett. Christian Century, May 20, 1981, p.594.

24. Review of Good News to the Poor: The Challenge of the Poor in the History of the Church, by Julio de Santa Ana; and Religious Life and the Poor: Liberation Theology Perspectives, by Alejandro Cussianovich. Both Orbis Books, 1979. In International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Vol.5:3, July 1981, p.132f.

25. Review of Paradox and Promise in Human Rights, by Peggy Billings. Friendship Press, 1979. In Religious Studies Review, Vol.8:2, April 1982, p.171.

26. Review of The Tears of Lady Meng, by C. S. Song. Friendship Press. In Christian Century, Vol.99:19, May 26, 1982, p.632.

27. Review of: A Fifth Gospel. The Experience of Black Christian Values by Joseph G. Healey. Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 9:4, August 1982.

28. Review of The Stature of Waiting, by W. H. Vanstone. Darton, Longman and Todd, 1982. Ms. only, dated 11/30/82.

29. Review of: Christian Ethics in the Modern Age, by Brian Hebblethwaite. Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol. 10:1, February, 1983.

30. Review of A Universal Homecoming? An Examination of the Case for Universalism, by Ajith Fernando. Evangelical Literature Service, 1983. Ms. only: “sent to OMSC 10/20/84.”

31. Review of: Ökumenische Dogmatic: Grundzüge, by Edmund Schlink. Currents in Theology and Mission, Vol.12:3, June 1985, p.185f.

32. Review of Principles of Lutheran Theology, by Carl E. Braaten. Fortress 1983. In Word and World, Summer 1985, p.330-331.

32a. Review of: For All the Saints: Changing Perceptions of Martyrdom and Sainthood in the Lutheran Reformation, by Robert Kolb. Mercer, 1987. In Word and World, n.d.

33. Review of: The Nonresidential Missionary: A New Strategy and the People It Serves, by V. David Garrison. Missiology, July 1992, p.401.

34. Review of Moya: The Holy Spirit in an African Context, by Allan Anderson. University of South Africa Press, 1991. In Missiology: An International Review, Vol. XXII:1, January 1994, p.121-122.

35. ”On Making Connections.” Review essay of Tom Kelly, An Expanding Theology: Faith in a World of Connections. E.J.Dwyer, Newtown, NSW (Australia). 1993. Lutheran Theological Journal 29:3 (Dec. 1995) p.130-132.

36.Review of Edward Schillebeeckx and Catharina Halkes, Mary Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. SCM Press,1993. Lutheran Theological Journal 29:2 (August 1995) p. 89-90.

37. Review of Notes From a Wayfarer: The Autobiography of Helmut Thielicke, by Helmut Thielicke, New York, Paragon House, 1995. For The Lutheran Quarterly, Winter 1997, p.495-498.

38. Review of The Short-Term Missions Boom: A Guide to International and Domestic Involvement, edited by Michael J. Anthony. Missiology, Vol.XXIV:4, October 1996, p.544-545.

39. Review of Salvations: Truth and Difference in Religion, by Mark S. Heim. Missiology: An International Review, Vol. XXV:2, April 1997, p.218-219.

40. Review of Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions, by Winfried Corduan, InterVarsity Press, 1998. In Missiology 1998, p.280-281.

41. Review of Das Wort Gottes – Gericht und Rettung. Untersuchungen zur Autorität der Heiligen Schrift in Bekenntnis und Lehre der Kirche, by Armin Wenz. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996. Lutheran Quarterly, Summer 1998, p.216-218.

42. Review of The Serampore Mission Enterprise: Studies in the Gospel Interface With Indian Contexts, by A. Christopher Smith. Center for Contermporary Christianity 2006. In Missiology: An International Review, Vol.XXVII:2, April 1999, p.272f. (second page missing)

43. “Theology and Praxis in the Protestant Christian Church in Bali.” (A Review of Douglas G. McKenzie, The Mango Tree Church), Ms. only. September 14, 1999.

44. Review of Changing the Mind of Missions: Where Have We Gone Wrong? By James F. Engel and William A. Dyrness. InterVarsity Press 2000. In Missiology: An International Review, Vol. XXXIX:2, April 2001, p.229-230.

45. Review of Homosexuality. The Use of Scientific Research in the Church’s Moral Debate, by Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse. InterVarsity Press, 2000. In: Thursday Theology, #159, June 28, 2001.

46. Review of “Christen und Gewürze.” Konfrontation und interaktion kolonialer und indigener Christentumsvarianten, ed. By Klaus Koschorke. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998. In Missiology: An International Review, Vol. XXX:1, January 2002, p.95-96.

47. Review of Mission for the Twenty-First Century, ed. By Stephen Bevans and Roger Schroeder. CCGM Publications, 2001. In International Bulletin of Missionary Research, February 6, 2002. Ms. only.

47a. Review of Providence and Prayer: How Does God Work in the World? by Terrance Tiessen. Unknown publication, February 20, 2002. [Manuscript only]

48. Review of Jesus Through Jewish Eyes: Rabbis and Scholars Engage an Ancient Brother in a New Conversation, ed. By Beatrice Bruteau. Orbis Books, 2001. In Missiology: An International Review, April 2002, p.539.

49. Review of The Theology of the Cross for the 21st Century: Signposts for a Multicultural Witness, ed. By Alberto L. Garcia and A. R. Victor Raj. CPH 2002. In Missiology, April 2004, p.242-243.

50. Review of Mission From a Position of Weakness, by Paul Yonggap Jeong. In Missiology, 2007 (?), p.280-281.

51. Review of Christ as Sacrament and Example: Luther’s Theology of the Cross and its Relevance for South Asia, by Jhakmak Neeraj Ekka. Lutheran University Press 2007. In Missiology, 2008 (?), p.526-527.

52. Review of Priests and Programmers: Technologies of Power in the Engineered Landscape of Bali, by J. Stephen Lansing. Princeton U. Press 2007. In Missiology, n.d. p.533-534.

53. Review of Building a Better Bridge: Muslims, Christians, and the Common Good, ed. By Michael Ipgrave. Georgetown Univ. Press 2008. In Missiology, Vol. 38:3, July 2010, p.358-360.

54. Review of The Future of Lutheranism in a Global Context, ed.By Arland Jacobsen and James Aageson, Fortress 2008. In: Missiology. n.d.

[Plus two “a” addenda = 56] [Plus two “a” addenda = 56]


“Sabbatheology” The first 80 or so weekly postings 1996 – 1997.

“Thursday Theology” weekly postings (#1 to #700) 1998 – 2011.

Ed_Bibliography (PDF)


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