Thank you for your interest in The Crossings Community and our Faith Seeking Understanding series. We have an online pdf and a pdf version that is printer friendly. The Crossings Community will contact you via email should new videos and …
Steve Albertin
Co-missioners, It’s Christmas Eve, a day for all of us to sit quietly with Mary and ponder the marvel of her newborn son. To that end we pass along an extended meditation by Steve Albertin. It rings some cherished Lutheran …
Faith Seeking Understanding faith seeking understanding Parts 1-10 faith seeking understanding Parts 11-15 Show your support of quality content Make a donation We are thrilled to be able to connect and share in the hope of the Gospel.With your generous …
Faith Seeking Understanding Volume 1
FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING: Chapter 10: Fake Gospel or Real Gospel?
In the final chapter of Steve’s Faith Seeking Understanding, we take a look at fake vs real gospel. “You discover that a beautiful vase of flowers is not real. It is FAKE. It is not the real deal. There has …
Faith Seeking Understanding Volume 1
FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING: Chapter 9: Why do bad things happen to good people?
Given the current pan-demic that is wreaking suffering and havoc upon so much of the world, one of the oldest and most persistent questions that both Christians and non-Christians have asked is now acutely relevant: WHY DOES AN ALL-POWERFUL …
Faith Seeking Understanding Volume 1
FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING: Chapter 8: Will Everyone be Saved?
Everyone has an Uncle Charlie in their lives, a good person who never went to church and never believed in God. What about them? Will they be saved? Ultimately, that is God’s problem and not ours. Thank God it is. …
Faith Seeking Understanding Volume 1
FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING: Chapter 7: Where have you seen God in your life this week?
Where have you seen God in your life this week? This is a familiar question asked in many churches sometimes even at the start of a sermon. The answers always focus on the pleasant and happy things of life. But …
Faith Seeking Understanding Volume 1
FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING: Chapter 6: What Is Christian Freedom?
Today Steve tackles the tough subject of Christian freedom and cheap grace. As he states, one of biggest criticisms of Crossings and Luther is that both promoted the notion of CHEAP GRACE, that is “Now that you don’t have to …
Faith Seeking Understanding Volume 1
FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING: Chapter 5: Do You have Yahbut’s Disease?
Today Steve tells us about a different plague from a different time…or is it really that different? At the time of Luther, a terrible disease was sweeping across Europe, the Plague. Today the world is suffering under a different kind …
Listen as Steve explains his take on how the Gospel works. Why is it Good News? What is the role of faith? Luther loved colorful language sometimes crude, even gross. One of Steve’s favorites was his way of describing how …