Evangelical Church and Theology in the Ethiopian Revolution, Part II

Colleagues, Here’s Part II of Paul E. Hoffman’s own memoirs of Gudina Tumsa occasioned by his review of Øyvind M. Eide: Revolution & Religion in Ethiopia. The Growth & Persecution of the Mekane Yesus Church 1974-1985.Peace & Joy! Ed Schroeder Evangelical Church and Theology in the Ethiopian Revolution, Part II “Christianity and Socialism” – Conflict or Accommodation? …

Evangelical Church and Theology in the Ethiopian Revolution

Colleagues, In 1995 we were ELCA Global Mission Volunteers in Ethiopia. We stay in contact with a few folks there. Ethiopia is one of the world’s unhappiest nations. That was also the case when we were there. There is renewed turmoil these days, though it’s not front page news here in the West. Actually threefold turmoil. 1) …